Twilight: chapter 14

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Ember pov

We made it to our home of Chicago Illinois. With the help of my abilities, I made Edward and I look different. We went to a hotel and checked in dropping off our things. "Hurry and get changed I wanna go to the diner!" I called running into the bathroom. I quickly changed out of my comfy clothes and put on a white cropped tank dark blue flowy shorts a cardigan and some grey sneakers. I pulled my hair into a high pony. I walked out of the bathroom giddy. I grab Edward's hand and pulled him out of the hotel room. "Common common I'm hungryyy" I whined pulling him excitedly.

He chuckles and we walked to the diner. And that's the start of our day. I pulled Edward everywhere before dusk hit and we went to the graveyard. Edward wrapped an arm around my shoulder as my mood started to fall. I always loved coming to Chicago, but I always end up sobbing by the end of our trip. With a heavy heart, Edward and I knelt in front of our parent's gravestone. I laid the lily and orchards down gently. I brushed off the dirt as I started at the stone.

Here lies beloved parents, siblings, and friends Elizabeth Grace Mason and Edward Anthony Mason Sr.

"Hey momma, papa... I miss you. I wish you were still here. I wish we could've lived together. I wish you guys could meet Paul. You would love him." I sniffle with a smile "he took me to prom this year. I finally went with someone who isn't my brother" I laugh breathlessly. When I was about to continue talking felt a vision come one. I grabbed Edward's hand as I spaced out.


Behind us is a woman frozen just staring at us while we visit the graves of our parents. She looks familiar but we can't see her face.


I looked at Edward confused. Edward looked at me equally confused. There was a breeze that pushed an oddly familiar scent our way. I focused my mind reading ability to look for the source.

'They're alive' I heard being repeated Edward looked at me. He heard it too. We both slowly stood up. I had dropped our disguise when we entered the graveyard. I turned around about 100 feet from us was the woman. Her face is still covered and her scent is that of a vampire. Edward stood to where he was partly covering me. "I'm glad after all these years you still protect each other" the woman said. My breathing hitched as my eyes watered.

"No... no your dead" I breathlessly said trying to stop the tears. "Your dead, father's dead. Auntie and uncle are gone"

Edward was frozen not saying anything. The woman took off her hood. There stood a woman nearly identical to Edward and me I. By now tears were streaming down my cheeks. "No" I cried and took off running overwhelmed with feelings. I sobs shook my body. My phone was ringing off the hook. I didn't answer it until I could speak. Call ID read Carlisle.  "How" I whispered into the phone.

"I'm sorry Ember when I turned your brother I also tried to save your mother but she showed no sign of turning so I left her there. If I had known she was turning as well... I didn't tell you and Edward because I was afraid of giving you hope." He explained and he sounded pained. He has grown to become a father to us. "Ember comes home... bring her with."

I sniffle nodding before realizing that he couldn't see me, "okay" I whispered softly.

I stood up and went back. Edward was still frozen. Mother was watching Edward and me. "Carlisle wants us home... he'll explain there," I told Edward softly

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