Twilight: Chapter 6

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Embers pov

I woke up sick today which I don't understand how I got sick but I did. Esme had me stay home making me pout cause I wanted to be there for Edward and Bella. I am currently sipping some warm soup Esme made me while playing a game in the main room. However, I am wrapped in about 50 soft blankets. I feel better now but still, Esme and Carlisle will not have it. Pausing my game I took my dish into the kitchen quickly rinsing it out and putting it in the dishwasher. I jumped about 5 feet in the air when my brother appeared in front of me with Bella who looked dizzy.

"Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, what have I told you about scaring me" I huffed "and careful with your human girlfriend"

"Hey Ember why weren't you at school today" Bella smiled

"I was sick this morning but feeling fine now" I pouted "They forced me to stay home"

Bella laughed as Edward rolled his eyes "Overdramatic much"

I pouted playfully "You're a jerk, anyways why you guys here?"

"I wanted to check on you plus, Sam wants you on the res" Edward scowled

I perk up "Really"

Edward sighs and nods "Yeah, he says to meet him at the border"

I cheer and nod running up to my bedroom to change into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. as I was changing I could hear Bella and Edward talking.

"I thought you guys weren't allowed on the res" Bella asked

"We aren't but Ember is different, She has a special gift to appear human without a ring-like us and the others. Sam the alpha gave Ember permission because of it" Edward explained

I grin as I jogged down the stairs "I also have some unknown part in the pack"

I hugged Edward and pecked his cheek before hugging Bella "Welcome to the family Bella"

And with that, I ran out of the house and to the treaty line where Sam was waiting. I stopped at the creek. "You can jump over Ember" Sam laughed making me grin and jump the creek.

"Was there a reason you needed me here?" I asked curiously "Not that I mind"

"Well yes there is Jared is the next one to phase, and he should phase today and I am going to need your help" Sam responded as we walked through the woods

I nodded "Alright I will"

We stopped at a small house when I heard a scream come from inside of it. Sam was quick to rush inside and pull out the boy who was phasing. I stare dead at the boy and focus on him slowly his screams stop and I fall to the floor grunting. Sam looks at me than the boy as I take a fist full of grass. This continued for a while until the boy was in full wolf form. I dropped to the grass laying on my back panting. Sam phased as well and they started talking.

'Jared hey hey your safe I promise' Sam started saying

'what happened, what am I, how did this happen, who is the girl, why-' Jared started listing

'You phased Jared, you now turn into a wolf, it is something that happens in the tribe but your transition was triggered sooner because I allowed Ember over' Sam stated

'Okay why did it hurt so badly in the beginning but lower soon after' Jared asked

"That would be me I have a gift that is weird to explain but I can take away the pain" I stated nodding still laying on the grass

'And from what I could see it gives her the pain' Sam said and I could see the image of me on the ground staring deadset on Jared

"Yes and it hurt like a mother trucker" I huffed

'How can she hear us' Jared asked

"She has a name and as I said I am gifted" I grumbled

'Ember Jared, Jared Ember' Sam chuckled 'and when I asked for your help Ember I was thinking distracting him'

"Eh, I go big or go home" I shrug before groaning "Mother of all that is holy that hurt"

'Okay Ember get out of our minds we both are gonna phase back and I doubt you wanna see that'

"Yeah, I'll pass" I stated giving a thumbs up "I am so not moving for a while"

After some cracking and shuffling I see Sam's head pop above mine s well as Jared. Sam chuckles "It's not that bad"

"For you guys no, but I am not a shifter, I am a vampire and it is ten times worse for me then you" I grumble "I am laying here for a good couple of minutes"

Sam nodded "Fair enough"

"Wait, vampires are real too?" Jared exclaimed

"Yes, Ember go vampy " Sam nodded

I sigh in relief "Ay-ay alpha"

I close my eyes and take a deep breath and sigh in relief as the pain vanishes, I open my eyes again them going from emerald green to gold I blink a few times looking at them "Woah"

I grin brightly "My whole family has them when they aren't wearing their ring"

I go human again as Jared asked "Where is your family"

"Ah sounds like its time for me to head out" I chirped not wanting to hear how the treaty started again "Just know I lived it"

Sam laughed "Yeah we know your old"

I stick my tongue out at him "I am only 102"

Jared's eyes widen "Your old enough to be my grandma"

I pout playfully "Don't remind me"

Sam laughs "Your free to head home, I trust you to head out on your own"

I grin brightly "Thank you, see you guys later!" I called out as I ran off with super speed towards the border. It was about 4 in the afternoon now as I jumped across the border. I ran into the house as towards my family and I smile at them.

"How was the res sweetie?" Esme asked

"It was fun, I met the new shifter" I grinned and yawn

"Well glad you had fun sweetie" Esme smiled

I nodded"yeah I'm gonna sleep tonight love you guys!"

I got replies of I to love yous back. I change into PJs then climbs into bed falling asleep.


1065 words- love wolfie

 thank you for the support! hope this chapter is good and Lemme know what you'd like to happen next!!!

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