Chapter 14 ~ Kwetu Ni Kwetu

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~Fuli's PoV~
   Soon, we've arrived at the base of Pride Rock. Anga and Mseto gently lift me off Beshte's back(her shoulder had begun to throb) and onto the grass. My cubs tumble from Maji's back and hide in the tall grass as I see the two familiar silhouettes of the King & Queen.

   "So, you've returned Fuli." Queen Nala said. "Kion has been sick with worry since you dissapeared." Nala suddenly turned to Simba, who's eyes were glued to Kopa with a disbelieving gaze.

   "It can't be him," he muttered before approaching him.

   "Kopa?" King Simba asked. Is it really you?" Kopa nodded.

   "Yeah. It's me dad. Zira didn't kill me, only injured me badly and left me to die in the desert. I found a jungle oasis I could live in until I encountered a group of rouges. I escaped with Fuli and her group and traveled here." He said, burrying his face into his father's mane.

   "Mom, Dad... I have something to say..." Kion said, and I grinned, anticipating their reactions.

   "Go on son. What is it?" Nala said.

   "You're grandparents." He said as I chirped and our five cubs came to oue feet.

   "You had cubs... with a cheetah?!" He verified in a scolding tone I did not like.

   "Yes. I also fell in love with said cheetah. That's why I've been mourning her." He snapped.

   "But... But she's a cheetah. She's not the same as a lion." Simba scolded and he apparently finally had enough. He leaped to his paws and began singing a familiar song, and I caught on... and began to sing as well.





"You think that life is one big game

You joke, you laugh, you take no blame,

I'm telling you,

There's just no way that we're the same."

"You've got to look past what you see,

Try not to judge so easily,

Believe it or not,

You're a lot like me.

Say believe it or not,

You're a lot like me!"

"'Sisi be sawa' means that we're the same.

(Sisi ne Sawa)"

"I hear what you're saying,

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