Chapter 1 ~ Kidnapped!

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~Fuli's PoV~
Two weeks have passed since Kion proposed to me. Kiara & Vitani found out and they're keeping it a secret as well.

Simba called off the engagement when he was told that they wouldn't be happy together. Anga's found a handsome dark blue Martial Eagle named Mseto. And apparently, Janga and Jasiri are expecting pups.

Shaking my head, I concentrated on the lone gazelle in front of me. I crept through the grass with barely a rustle...

SNAP! I accidentally step on a twig and it bounds away.

'Dang it!' I scold myself. 'You're better than this Fuli. You're usually so fast.'

"Better luck next time Fuli." Mseto called out from a branch, two mice in his talons. Lunch for him and Anga I guess.

"Yeah, well, back to square one." I say and continue hunting.

~???'s PoV~
'Here's the prey, now where are all the predators?' I wonder. Suddenly, I spot movement. 'Bingo. A female cheetah.' I bring my double-barrelled shotgun up when my partner stops me.

"Hold it, buddy. Look closer. It's a King cheetah. She'll be a fortune alive. Allow me." He whispers so as not to alert her to our location.

He fires his tranq gun just as she bursts out of the grass to chase down a gazelle. We approach her and get a muzzle on her while the calming drug takes effect.

~Fuli's PoV~
'What are these creatures!?' I think. Suddenly, my mark begins to pulse violently. Curious, I place my paw over it and it stops.

A few moments later, I'm in a cramped wooden den(a wooden crate). They throw the den onto the back of a growling creature that I can't understand its language(a truck).

Just as it starts moving I hear the all-to-familiar battle cry.

"'Till the Pride Lands end; LION GUARD DEFEND!"

"KION! HELP!" I call out, desperately clawing at the gaps, wishing for it to give. Instead, I hear a loud BANG and stare in horror as Vitani crashes to the ground, not moving.

I hear another BANG and time seems to slow. Whatever the bangsticks the Two-legged Creatures carry launch, it was hurling straight for my mate.

Then, a familiar, yellow cheetah darts in front of him, taking it for him. And as the monster takes me farther and farther away from my home all I can think is how Azaad protected my mate.


iara - Princess

Anga - Sky/Heaven
Mseto - Diver
Azaad - Free/Liberated

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