A Decade Passed

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Nine years passed from when Peter was bitten by the spider. He had no feats of superhuman strength, abnormal muscle mass regeneration, or any other increased superhuman attributes.

But then Peter started to go through puberty at Thirteen years old, that's when the problems started & they started light. He started getting a faint shiver in his head whenever something bad was going to happen.

Peter went to Bruce with this, but Bruce just told Peter that it was all in his head & that he just started puberty so everything was going to be confusing for the next few years.

"Years", Peter asked?

"Yes, Peter, puberty can last up to four years, but on average... it only lasts between two to four years", Bruce said. Bruce then started giving Peter the talk about how his body is going to start changing. "First you're going to start noticing cracks & changes in your voice, then your body is going to start changing, & then eventually you'll start growing hair . . . ".

"LA LA LA LA LA", Peter screamed as he covered his ears & started to exit the lab.


Bruce was right, puberty would last up to two years for Peter. But puberty was probably the worst time for Peter.

Suddenly, at the age of Fourteen, the faint shiver in the back of his head turned into a full on buzzing in the back of his skull whenever something bad was going to happen to Peter.

Then, testosterone hit Peter like a tidal wave. He swears he went to bed one night & woke up looking like a smaller Captain America. He had muscles, abs, & pecks. His body was suddenly ripped just over night. He started to grow at an alarming rate, faster than any of the other kids in his school, he started to run through clothes so quickly.

Then, Peter's vision started to clear. He started to get a headache whenever he put his glasses on. Eventually his vision was 20/20 without his glasses.

At the age of Fifthteen, Peter started to develop a certain array for abilities. He learned that he was able to lift weights that would make Steve blush. He could run really fast, really really fast, but not like his brother Pietro. His durability, agility, & reflexes were massively increased. His senses were dialed up to eleven. He noticed that he could heal really fastly, cuts & bruises would disappear overnight. Night was no longer dark, he could still see everything in great detail even without light. And sometimes he was unable to drop somethings, his hands were once stuck to his phone & a wall for three hours before he finally got free.

Peter constantly went back to his Uncle Bruce to inform him about his abilities.

"Uncle Bruce, come on, believe me", Peter begged his uncle, but Bruce wouldn't believe him. "I'm serious, Uncle Bruce, I can do unspeakable things. I can lift more than my dad, Steve".

"Peter", Bruce said as he walked past him. "I am very busy & I don't have time for games, you've been bugging me about this for years & every time I run a series of results, it always comes back normal, nothing about you is abnormal".

"Bruce, I'm being series, look...", Peter said as he reached for the hem of his shirt. "... I have abs now, I've never even been to a gym".

"Sure, that is strange, but that doesn't mean you have superpowers", Bruce expressed. He sat his clipboard on the desk & turned to face Peter.

"Please, Uncle Bruce, if nothing shows up, then I'll stop asking, but I promise you, something is going on with me & I think it was because of that spider", Peter begged, he gave his uncle the puppy-dog-eyes.

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