10: Of Drunken Thoughts & Sober Words

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"Tell me lies, tell me painted truths

Anything at all to keep me close to you

Pull me under the way you do

Tonight I wanna drown in an ocean of you"

Drown- Martin Garrix ft. Clinton Kane


Justin invited me to his house, so we could start rehearsing the dancing routine. We have finished the melodies and the music performance part, so we have to work on the dancing routines because we have still a lot of planning to do and the contest would be held after a month.

I had doubts because of what happened the previous weekend. When we danced, it was awkward for two weeks, but now we somehow kissed, things a be pretty crazy.

I can't deny that my legs are shaking as well because it will be the first time meeting his brother, Ian. I always had that fear of first impressions, unlike the stereotypes of cheerleaders, I love to keep a good image of myself. It is always related to the mantra:  people fade, their deeds remain. 

Caleb could have come with me, but he has an essential individual assignment that he had to submit. According to Caleb, he is so much friendly and welcoming; he doesn't like to judge people and he cares about others more than himself sometimes. In a way similar to my opinion about Justin, but still, I can't help but fidget with the newly owned pendant laying in my neck.

I walked into the hallway that leads to their condo and looked at the apartments numbers to compare them with the ones sent on my text messages. I stood in front of the mentioned door and rang the bell.

I was greeted with a pair of grey eyes staring at me, so I looked at him to ask. "Hi, is this the Trainors' residence?"

I was pulled so suddenly into a tight brotherly hug and a "Welcome, Emma! Come on in, Justin is waiting for you upstairs, but you've got to drink something first." 

"Well, thanks but I'm not thirst..."

"Then, at least drink a cup of water. Sorry for blocking your way, come on." Ian didn't allow me to take no for an answer which I learnt that meant he wants to talk with me a little.

We enter the condo and it was lavish! Everything in it screamed money and modernity. Ian ushers for me to sit down until he brings it, which I reluctantly did because of how expensive the sofa looked. 

A few moments later, he comes holding a tray that had water, and a plate full of nuts, pretzels and chocolates. He put the tray in front of me and ushers for me to grab a thing. "Here you are!" He says.

"Well, Ian, thank you. I wouldn't have liked to bother you though."  

"It was no bother at all, but how cute. Caleb didn't lie when he said that you were the most mannered sibling." Damn the Trainors and their sweet-talking. Red started to tint my cheeks at his compliment.

"Well thank you. Caleb also states lots of good things about you." I wanted to complete it with: which is rich because Cale always has had a minimal number of friends.

"Anyways, let's skip the useless formalities. I have been looking forward to meeting you and get to know you; especially when everyone around me talks about you. So, let's chat a little." 

This is weird and my apprehensiveness started to grow. However, I nodded my head and asked what did he want to know. 

"Well, what's the extent of your relationship with my bro?" 

I was so thankful that I wasn't drinking any water, otherwise, I would've choked. "Well, we are friends, and I'm pretty sure that Justin could have answered that." I didn't intend to be rude but he initiated it with his outspokenness.

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