I had a crazy Stalker...

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People i am 14 now, Im turning 15 in September!! can ya stop telling me im fucking 12yrs old or younger because im not, half of the things i wear or do you wouldnt do at those ages!!🙄🙄🙄

So it was like 2-3 years ago...and I went out to this place wit a few friends right? It was like a cute pizza place and well I saw this guy there...***Yeah i know right..always gotta be a dude never a cute girl*** Anyways I saw that dude and He looked at me and I looked at him....then me and my friends paid for our food and left....then the next day I FUCKING SAW HIM FOLLOWING ME!!!! 

ME and my *we are not gonna say name* and we were going to the park by my house. As we were walking...I FUCKIN saw him!!!! So i whispered to they for us to walk faster or pretend to be on a call wit one of the boys to tell them to run quickly to the park but from the other side and to meet us at the baby swings and the boys did.

So after we met up wit the boys, we all went to the Skate-ing area and we went on our skateboards and did a few tricks, but when i was abt to start the SAME FUCKING GUY WAS THERE!!!! I asked the group to come close, I whispered in their ears saying "Can one of you boys kiss me and act like im ur gf because the guy is back and hes starring at us...and its freaking me out" Normally they would say no or laugh but they saw my hands starting to shake knowing i was abt to pass out or have a panic attack. So one of them said yeah sure, we were taking pictures we were doing hella shit as a "couple" so we went to one of the benches at the park and we told the group to come close to get a group video of us saying something stupid.  Until this happened....


 The guy who was watching me and my friends came up to us, he pointed at me saying "You, can you come with me to my car?" I was freaked out honestly, so the boy that was pretending to be my boyfriend did something i never thought he would do. To be honest, ALL the boys in our friend group is very and i mean VERY Overprotective of us girls, which i mean i don't blame them, we grew up together basically a family by now, and so all the boys fucking started to beat the shit out the dude while me and the girls stood a bit further so we wouldnt get hit. 

We all then just left the park and went to one of the boys house, we all just stood quiet because of what had just happened until my phone rang...we all fucking jumped, lemme tell u it wasn't a lil jump it was us jumping out of our fucking skin fucking scared out of our minds!!!

It was my cousin...My cousin and I have this weird, flirty, funny, chill relationship, and well he called me to say that there is a video of my friends yk what, beating that guy who was stalking me and my friends, I had to him the situation and he was like oh i should go to the police, and give them my statement and show them the video proof of what he was saying....and so my cousin picked us up from my friends house and we went to the police station.

Now i know most people are gonna be like "Oh ur making this up" "ur a liar" "stop clout chasing" but I had posted abt it on my very very first Snapchat acc, and My friends posted on their stories as well. Therefore i am not lying. But yet again it is my word against urs.

So we went to the police station, we told them everything that happened from the beginning when it first happened, the caught the guy 2 weeks later and he went to prison for abt 10 months, he got probation, and community service, and a restraining order. He had to stay abt 60 ft away from me.

Okay like a a few months after he was done with everything i found him at my local food market, I panic and automatically called....the name we won't say...and it answered and picked me up and we went to it's house. I panicked and I also broke down, I ended up staying over. I went to the police station the next day and asked them why was he out and near my neighborhood. They told me he has family and that he was staying with them.. I legit wanted to shoot the officer honestly wit his gun but I didnt. I just walked out and inside the uber me and that person followed along wit me going back to it's house.

Thats my story I still see him sometimes, I think that he has a wife, and 3 kids? IDK i see them sometimes when I go to the park.


I can be so toxic, if you want me to. I can be loving if you want me to.

901 Word count.

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