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I have two days until I take the ACT.

Last night, I had driven home in complete silence, my phone feeling very heavy in my pocket with the added contact info of Arlo Faulkner. Faulkner, like the writer. I didn't realize that was his last name until I got a text message from him with his address. I had gotten home around 10:30 and made my Dad his sub and soup, despite his unconscious state, and laid out two aspirin and a large glass of water.

By the time I got to sleep it was around midnight, and I was dreading waking up. I had another long shift today, so I knew that I'd be pretty tired. Not to mention the fact that I had to wake up a bit early to get in my two hours of Piano practice and ACT review.

Needless to say, I was pretty tired as I priced box after box of Roman Candles around one in the afternoon. Not as many people were here today, since yesterday we got so much done. Certain fireworks were already set up in their displays, and others still just had to be priced. The transport of almost all of the fireworks was complete, though Arlo finished up the rest this morning on his own.

He hadn't said anything to me all day so far, and I was kind of glad. I felt so awkward after having a night to process everything that he saw. I mostly felt embarrassed that he saw my dad all drunk and sloppy. I was also embarrassed that he hadn't even bothered to ask any questions about it when I gave him the out. Like he didn't think it was as big of a deal as I did or something.

I don't know what I feel about last night, but I'm glad it's over and I won't have to think about it again. Arlo hasn't gone out of his way not to run into me, but I'm glad that we haven't yet. I know it's inevitable, but I can't help but feel that the longer he stays away the better.

As I let myself drown in my thoughts while sweating profusely over the stacks of Roman Candles, I do silent review in my head. I think the different types of ACT English questions types. Usage/Mechanics, Rhetorical Skills, Organization, Style, Punctuation, Sentence Structure, Grammar and Usage-

"You good, girl?"

I look up and see Sarah in front of me. She wasn't here yesterday, but I do remember that Sarah's dating Johan and good friends with Isa.

"Of course." I smile a bit and watch as she hefts a box of roman candles on the table next to me. "Wow, they just keep coming, huh?" I laugh and she grins.

"Duh. Everyone buys Roman Candles. It's like, the most usable firework. We do a sale on them anyways, buy one, get four free. So we need hundreds." she grins and I feel my face fall. I guess I'll be pricing these for a while.

"You sure you're alright? You look a little tired," she says, gathering all of her hair up in a fist and tying it atop her head. I had worn my hair in two dutch braids today to hopefully let my neck feel whatever breeze there was under the tent. The sun beat down on the red and white covering hard and cast the light in a pinkish hue.

"For sure, just a late night," I say as naturally as possible.

"Alright, just make sure you're getting enough water." she reminds me, and I nod. Everyone has checked up on me at least once, and it's kind of heartwarming. I'm sure after another few days it'll get old, but for now, I enjoyed being around people and having them check on me.

"You too," I say, taking the box from her and slicing it open with the box cutter tucked behind my ear like a pencil.


Sarah and I stare at each other with wide eyes for a moment before turning to where the curse came from. It's in the field to the left of the tent, where Johan, Diego, and Arlo are standing around a huge black tub.

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