🥕chapter 2

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"How long will it take to get us from here to San Franscisco?" Niall asked Harry, who was sitting right next to him on the tour bus seats, who just happened to have his phone to look it up.

"Six hours by car" Harry said. "It's 2am right now so we'll be there by 8. We may need to stop at some point to rest as well, we can't have Louis driving non stop for that long." Harry worried about Louis, as he was his bandmate. He didn't want him to be overworked, they already had all those concerts and rehearsals and whatnot anyways.

🕺time skip, 5:49 am🕺

Louis stopped the tour bus in the Denny's parking lot (an: ik dennys doesnt open at 5am ok but what if they did) and turned to face the boys. "You guys want Denny's?" he asked. The boys cheered and scrambled out of the bus, going inside the restaurant for breakfast.
They got a table next to a big glass window and all sat down. A waitress walked up to their table, smiling. She had bright dyed blue hair tied up in a ponytail, a pale freckled face, and brown eyes. "Hi, my name's Katie and I'll be your server for today, can you boys tell me what you'd like to order?" (AN: katie this is 4 u if ure reading this!!! Since u wanted to be in it)
The boys all made their orders and the waitress wrote it all down in her little notepad, then went back to the kitchen. Barely anyone was in the restaurant becauss it was so early.

The boys had their meals and then walked back to the tour bus, when suddenly a young man with short dark brown hair stood outside their tour bus, blocking the entrance. "Where do you think you're going, One Direction?" He grimaced, holding a knife behind his back.
"Oh shit," Louis said. "How did you find us? We had left LA already."

"Big Time Rush has their ways, you know," the man snickered, walking up towards the boys, eyeing Niall the most. "I'm Carlos Garcia. I'm one of the members of the most powerful gang in LA, Big Time Rush." He pulled his knife out from behind his back. "I'm sure you know our mission by now, right?"

"Yeah, your boss told us already." Zayn said. "Can we go now?" The other boys had already known of BTR's plan, since Louis and Zayn had explained it to them.

"I'm sure he did." Carlos grinned, grabbing Niall and throwing him to the ground. Harry ran up to Niall.
"Niall!!! Are you okay?!" Harry asked, helping Niall up from his fall.
"Im fine, it didn't hurt much at all." Niall explained. "So, this guy wants to fight now? Bring it!!"
Carlos lunged at Niall, thrusting his knife towards his shoulder, but Niall dodged. Niall pushed him back, kicking him in the balls (an: not like that u dirty minded readers😣) and sending him.to tne ground. Carlos threw his knife towards Niall's head, but Niall ducked. Niall picked the knife up off the ground and lunged at Carlos with it, stabbing him in the shoulder. Carlos yelped, grabbing the knife back from Niall's hand and stabbing his leg. The boys gasped, and Liam dragged Niall away from Carlos.

"He got your leg!!" Liam yelled as Niall held his wound. "Does anyone have a first aid kit?!"

"It's in the bus!" Harry yelled in his cute british voice, running into the tour bus and digging through their bags. Liam dragged Niall into the tour bus, and Louis and Zayn followed as the doors shut.

"I'll get you next time!!" Carlos yelled through the windows, running off as his shoulder still bled.

🕺big time rush pov switch🕺

"I'm back from my mission, boss." Carlos said, his shoulder now bandaged from earlier's incident.
"I see it didn't go well, did it Carlos?" James said, sitting on the floor of the abandoned Toys-R-us, which was the hideout of Big Time Rush. Kendall was sitting to James's left, and Logan was to James's right.
"I got stabbed in the shoulder and the boys got away, so yes, it didn't go well." Carlos said sadly.
James walked up to him, gently ruffling his short fuzzy hair. "I'll forgive you this once, I knew I shouldn't have gotten only one of us to do the mission. Next time, we'll have backup."
"Good idea," Logan said. "Then maybe we'll finally get one of them off our list."

"Good news though," Carlos began. "I managed to injure one of them. The blond boy, I think hes Irish."
"Niall." James said, his eyes twinkling. "Great job, bro," He patted Carlos on the back. "It's not much, but it's a start."

"So whats our next plan, guys?" Kendall asked, stretching his long arms out.
"Well, first...." James began. "We need to track them down again, since I'm sure they've already left that town by now. And then we'll have more than one member go and get them, we'll be sure to win then."

Suddenly, a tall man with glasses and red hair stumbled upon the hideout, curiously. He noticed the four men sitting in a circle, discussing their plans to kill One Direction. The man gasped, grabbing his phone to call someone. James caught him in his eye.
"What are you doing over there?!" He yelled, catching the mans attention.

"I-" the man couldn't speak before Big Time Rush ran towards him, Logan holding him down to the ground and Kendall pulling a knife on him.

"State your name." Kendall said. The man stuttered, fear in his dark eyes.
"M...Mark Fischbach..." The man said, his eyes tearing up. "What do you want from me?!"

"That's him, James!" Carlos said excitedly. "That's Markiplier from YouTube!! If we kill him now, we'd win the gang war for sure!!"

"Hmm..." James thought for a while. "I don't think he should die." Mark sighed in relief, though still scared of what's to come. "We'll have him as our hostage."

"No, please, I-" Mark was cut off when Kendall covered his mouth.
"Get the tape, rope, and other shit," Kendall demanded. Logan and Carlos ran away to get the stuff.

"Oh, yes. We'll be sure to bribe 1D with this..." James chuckled in a sinister fashion.

😱END OF CHAPTER 2😱 omg im so scared what will happen next???? will markimoo survive???? find out! xoxo

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