🍊chapter 4

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After hours of driving and getting into not one, but two incidents with Big Time Rush, One Direction was finally at their destination. San Franscisco. They pulled up in a hotel's parking lot and decided that they'd just stay in the tour bus. They already had all their stuff packed for when they leave tomorrow, and they were ready to just relax for the day.

"Alright, guys," Louis said, clapping his hands. "We're finally here. San Franscisco."

"What do you guys wanna do first?" Liam asked.

"I thought we agreed to just stay in the bus so we don't get jumped again." Harry said, confused.
"We're in San Franscisco, Harry," Louis began. "The gay capital of America. We gotta at least have fun here."

Harry nodded. "You have a point. What do they have here?" He pulled out his phone and started searching things up.

After a while of thought and decisions they decided to go Dolores Park first, just to chill. The boys drove over there and headed out of the tour bus, immediately approaching unsuspecting fans.
"Guys, look, it's One Direction!" a girl screamed as she ran towards Niall. "I love you Niall!!! Can you sign my phone case?!?!" Niall waved at her and happily signed the phone case, trying not to show too much pain from his leg wound.

After realizing all they'd be able to do in the park is sign autographs and take photos with fans, they left and headed to their tour bus.
"Ok, what next?" Louis asked.
"Let's just stay in here for a while," Liam responded. "We'll find something to do in here. Have we cancelled the next shows yet?"
Harry nodded. "I called our management after the attack, and told them about the gang thing, and they cancelled for us. People who bought tickets will get refunds now."

"That's a relief," Niall said. "I hope they're not mad."

"They'll understand." Zayn said. "Did you see how happy they were to see us today?"
"That is true..." Niall sighed, looking at his bandaged leg.

😜time skip brought to u by harrys smexy voice!😳

A day had passed, and they were now at the San Franscisco International Airport, heading onto the plane to England. The boys got into their seats, which were all nearby for convenience, and relaxed. Louis and Harry were sitting next to eachother (Harry wanted the window seat), Zayn and Niall were next to eachother, and Liam was in the back.

Harry was listening to Helena by MCR when Louis nudged him. "Hey, Harry?" he whispered in his ear. Harry took out his earbuds.

"I thought I saw one of the Big Time Rush dudes again.." Harry turned to see where Louis was looking. A man who vaguely resembled James was sitting in the seat, though he had a hat on. He was wearing a British flag shirt and a black leather jacket, just like the one James wore during his first encounter with Louis. He wore a brown beanie and aviator sunglasses. He was minding his own business, or so it seemed.

"I think that might just be some guy, Louis," Harry whispered back. "We cant even see most of his face or hair."
"What if it's him, though?" Louis whispered. "He could still be following us.."

"I'm sure it's fine, guys!" Niall whispered to Louis and Harry. "He couldn't follow us onto a plane, right?"
Harry put his earbud back in and continued listening to Helena by MCR.  The man who vaguely resembled James glanced in Louis's direction, snickering. "If we can't get them in LA, we can get them anywhere else in the world... I'll take this to my grave."

🥕another timeskip brought to you by louis and his carrot!!!!🥕

The plane landed safely in England, and they were now in a very fancy hotel room. It was big, big enough to fit five people of course, and the curtains were red velvet. The carpets were a light brown color, and the kitchen had a lovely black tile flooring. The beds were soft and comfortable, complete with freshly washed and dried white bedsheets and pillows. Harry sat on one of the beds.

"Man, what a day," Harry muttered under his breath, taking his shirt off. "I'm gonna head to bed, guys."

"Already? It's only 9 in the morning. We just got here." Liam asked.
"Don't judge him, dude," Niall said, slapping Liam on the back. "We've been through hell today. I got stabbed."

"Fair." Liam said, sitting on the floor and turning on the TV. "Hey, Niall, you and that gang dude are on the news." Curious, Niall, Louis, and Zayn huddled over together.

"One Direction member Niall Horan was spotted fighting what seemed to be a member of Los Angeles's most powerful gang, Big Time Rush. He came back mostly unharmed, except for a stab wound in his leg." The news reporter read off his papers. "The band has, in result, cancelled most of their upcoming shows for the tour, and fans have been refunded for their tickets."

"How'd they find this out so quickly?" Niall asked. "How'd they even get footage? It was in the middle of nowhere."

"I'm not sure," Louis asked. "It's rather bizarre if you ask me." Suddenly, an employee knocked on their hotel room door.
"I'll get it," Harry walked to the door and answered. A hotel employee was standing outside their door, handing Harry a mail envelope.
"They told me not to open it and to just hand it over.. so..." The employee said, leaving. Harry shut the door.

"It's an envelope," Harry said, opening it. The boys huddled next to him to read it.


We are Big Time Rush. We've sent you this note as a warning. We're coming. We're ready. We're going to win this time. Los Angeles will be ours. One Direction will be no more. Your heads will be on our plates soon.

We have a hostage already, however it is not one of you, as you'll see when reading this. It is esteemed YouTuber Mark Fischbach, or Markiplier as you may know him. It's either he goes, or you go. You have a choice to make.


"Fucking shit." Harry muttered, throwing the note to the ground. "They got Markiplier too?"

"How can we save Mark and have us survive as well?" Zayn asked, tapping his fingers.
"I don't know." Louis said. "We don't wanna have to kill anyone, do we? It'd ruin our careers."

"Louis, this is to save six different lives." Harry said, stepping closer to Louis and grabbing his shirt, which was black. "It's either we die, or Mark dies. We can't have either. We'll have to kill Big Time Rush."

"All of them?" Niall asked. "What about just their leader?"

"James Diamond." Zayn muttered. "He'd be hard to kill, Big Time Rush is the most powerful gang in LA. How many kills do they even have?"

"Thousands." Liam stated. "And that's over the course of two years."

"O..only two.." Liam stuttered. "We're fucked."


Gang War (One Direction/Big Time Rush AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now