🗡chapter 5

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(An: another one of my fave 1d songs ik its a cover but its sooooo good play it while u read!!!)

Later that night, the boys are all sound asleep in their hotel room. The day was mostly normal, aside from that ominous letter. They practiced their fighting skills in case of an emergency as well. It was 3 in the morning, the lights were out, the entire hotel was asleep. Suddenly, a glass window broke, and footsteps sounded around the room.

A man in a black bandana, black beanie, black hoodie, and matching pants and boots had broken into One Direction's hotel room, sneaking around. He pulled out his phone and turned the flashlight on, shining his light around the room and making sure not to awaken them. The man was quite good at this sort of thing. He tiptoed towards Harry's bed, and he was asleep in his pajamas, peacefully in slumber as if there wasn't an intruder in his room. The man pulled down his bandana, revealing himself to be Kendall from Big Time Rush. He gently took Harry's hands, and pulled a rope out of his pocket. He tied them together quickly with ease, and put duct tape over Harry's mouth. Harry began to toss a little, before his eyes opened slightly to see Kendall standing above his bed. He squirmed, attempting to alert the other boys but his mouth was taped shut. Kendall did a shushing motion, and picked up Harry bridal style and jumped out the window, running towards the car he drove to the hotel in. He threw him in the trunk, slammed it shut, and drove off.


Harry was now tied to a chair in an abandoned Tesco, seated next to Mark, who was also tied up. He awoke once again, his eyes blurry as he tried to get used to his surroundings. Squirming again and trying to scream, James walked up to him and ripped the tape off his mouth. It hurt like a bitch.

Harry gasped for air. "Where am I?!" Harry yelled. "Did you fucking kidnap me?!"

"Obviously we did, british boy." James spoke condescendingly. He had a thing for british accents, and he loved the UK. He wore a british flag shirt right now, actually. He stepped away from Harry. "If kidnapping Mark wasn't enough, maybe kidnapping a member of 1D is."

"You let me go this instant, you'll never get away with this!!" Harry shouted, kicking his feet. He couldn't move his legs much, his back being tied to the hair restricted his movement too much. "The lads will find out about this, and you'll be dead in an instant!"

"Sure they will," James chuckled. "Tell me, Harry, do they really care about you?"

"I've been in a band with them for two years, of course they care!" Harry screamed. "Do you think they're stupid?!"

"Frankly, yes." James said.

"Well you'll see how stupid they are when they kick your bloody ass!!" Harry shouted, squirming from his seat. The shouting had awoken Mark, who was next to him.

"They got you too?" Mark asked. He was barely scared at this point and just mildly annoyed. He was fed dog food and overcooked bacon for the past few days, he was sick and tired. He just wanted to go home and make some gaming videos for God's sake.

"So, here's our plan." James began. "If One Direction doesn't come save your pretty ass in 24 hours, you die by my hands. If they do save you, Mark will die instead."


"Where's Harry?!" Louis yelled, searching throughout the entire hotel room for him. "Oh my fucking god, has Harry been kidnapped?!"

"Judging by the broken window and muddy footsteps, yes." Zayn said, yawning.
"Was it that goddamn Big Time Rush gang again?" Niall asked. "My wound hasn't even healed fully yet."

"Since we barely responded to Mark's kidnapping, they decided to take one of us." Liam stated. "We have to find him as soon as possible!" Suddenly, Louis's phone rang. He picked it up, despite it being an unknown number.

"Hi, Louis." James's voice sounded from Louis's phone. The boys gasped.

"Where is Harry?" Louis scolded.

"You finally noticed your boyfriend is gone, Louie?" James teased. "Well, we kidnapped him. If you don't go and save him before tomorrow at 8pm, we'll kill him. If you do save him, we'll kill Markiplier. It's your choice."

"Why the fuck do you wanna kill either one of them so bad?" Louis snarled. "I'll kill you myself, you muppet."

"That's just how it is, Louie." James sighed over the phone. "I'm the leader of the most terrifying gang in LA. We're in the middle of a gang war and if I kill enough people, or someone at high enough status, I'll practically be a fucking king. Either one of you works, though both is heavily preferred, or perhaps all five of you boys."

"You won't get away with this. Where are you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" James snickered evilly. "It'll only make your search that much easier, but I'll give you a hint. We're still in the same city as you boys. But London is so large, how will you ever find us?" James laughed threateningly.

"We're gonna get you, I hope you know that." Louis growled. He hung up the phone, shoving it in his back jean pocket.

"So it was true. Harry's been kidnapped." Zayn said.

"And it's our mission to find him before tomorrow night." Liam stated, pulling a knife out of the knife holder in the kitchen. "Or else he could die."

Niall stood up, but Zayn pushed him back down gently. "No no no, you can't join us. Your leg's still fucked."

"But I want to help." Niall pouted. "My friend's in danger here, and you're saying I can't help because I have a half healed scar on my leg? I can walk fine, it just vaguely stings."

"If that's so.." Zayn said, helping him back up. "I won't stop you, or any of us. This is our most important mission yet."

"Lads, get in the tour bus," Louis ordered, pulling a pack of Haribo gummy bears out of his pocket and ripping it open with his teeth. "We got a Harry to save." He poured the sweets in his mouth as the boys went to the tour bus, prepared to fight.


Gang War (One Direction/Big Time Rush AU) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now