😳chapter 3

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(An: thatsmy fave 1d song i put up there omg please listen when u read!!!!!)

As Louis and the boys continued driving to San Francisco, Harry was wrapping bandages around Niall's leg.
"It might take a while to heal, so don't move your leg too much and stay in the bus when you can." Harry spoke.

"What about our tour?" Niall asked, worried. "We still have 3 more shows in California."

"We can postpone them if we have to," Harry said. "It's gonna take a while to heal, the cut was pretty deep."

Niall put his head in his hands. "Shit.. I can't disappoint our fans like that. They paid good money to see us."

"It's okay, dude," Zayn reassured him, patting him on the back. "They'll understand, you just got stabbed after all. You could've died back there. There's no reason for them to be mad at us and not the attacker."

"Zayn is right." Liam agreed. "If they get mad at you for having to postpone it due to an injury, they're not real fans."

The bus stopped at a gas station, it seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. Nothing much was around it except a 7/11. "Hey, we're running low on gas." Louis said. "Who wants to refill the gas tank?"

"I'll do it. " Harry said, getting up from his seat and stretching. He walked out of the tour bus, pulling his wallet out to pay for the gas.

As soon as he started refilling the tank, two men in hoodies and sunglasses came running towards him. It was.. Kendall and Logan!

"We got you now, Harry!" Kendall yelled, tackling Harry to the ground. Logan held a knife to harrys neck.

"Bloody hell?!!" Harry shouted. "What's going on here? Who the fuck are you?!"

"I'm Kendall Knight." Kendall introduced threateningly. "You're Harry Styles. And you will die right now, by our hands."

"And I'm Logan Mitchell." Logan grunted, trying to cut Harry with the knife until Louis and Zayn came running out.

"Those guys again?!" Louis yelled. "When do we get a bloody break?!" He ran towards them and pulled Kendall off of Harry, while Zayn pulled Logan off. Logan dropped his knife on the ground, and Harry took it and jammed it towards Logan's arm, though he missed. Kendall grabbed Harry, restraining him, and Harry struggled to break free. Louis pulled Kendall off Harry once again and Harry struck Kendall in the nose with his elbow, causing a nosebleed.

Logan pulled out another knife, and him and Harry began to have a knife fight. Logan was seconds away from stabbing Harry in the chest when Zayn pulled Harry away, dragging him back into the bus. As Kendall wiped his nose blood onto his sleeve, he ran back into hiding as Logan followed Harry and Zayn into the bus, pushing them both to the ground, pointing his knife at them.

"Here's the deal, now." Logan began. "It's either Harry dies or Zayn dies. Which would you boys rather have, hmm?"

"Neither," Zayn said, hitting Logan in the balls (an: not like that u pervs!!!" with his knee. Logan fell out of the bus, dropping his knife. Harry crawled out of it and grabbed the knife, jamming it into Logan's arm. Logan grunted in pain as he got up and ran into hiding to get his arm fixed up.

"Let's go, now!" Harry yelled as he and  Louis ran back into the bus, slamming the doors shut and Louis scrambled back into the driver's seat.

"Did we get our gas?" Louis asked, and Harry nodded. Louis drove out of the gas station as fast as he could, almost burning rubber as he drove.

"Why does this keep happening? How did they find us?" Liam asked. He stayed in the bus with Niall to make sure he was okay, as he was still healing.

"I don't know." Harry said. "They seem to always know where we are. There could be a spy among us working for them."

"Seriously?" Niall spat. "A spy? You think any of us would be spies for a gang that wants us all dead?"

"You're right, actually." Harry agreed. "It wouldn't make sense."

"Should we even keep going to San Francisco at this point?" Zayn asked. "They clearly know where we're headed now, and its a huge city. They're following our every move."

"It wouldn't matter where we go, Zayn," Liam said. "Like you said, they follow our every move. Whether we arrive or not doesn't matter if they can always find us."

"If they couldn't find our hotel without searching extensively, why are they able to follow our tour bus everywhere?" Harry asked.

"Maybe they got a picture of the license plate or something." Niall said. "We can't cover it up though, I think that's illegal."

"Well, fuck," Harry said, his head in his hands. "How are we gonna stop them if they know our every move? We can't escape then."

"I have an idea." Zayn said, and as soon as he began everyone started listening. "We're headed to San Franscisco, right? There has to be airports there. We could book a flight and flee the state."

"Just the state? We could drive out of state." Liam contradicted.

"Out of country then," Zayn said. Everyone nodded.
"That could work. We'll just cancel our next 3 California shows then." Harry said.

"But where are we headed?" Niall asked. Harry thought for a while.

"England." Harry finally spoke. "It's far away enough, and it's at least familiar. We can stay there for a while until the whole gang thing is over."

Everyone agreed, and they began to book a flight to England. "The flight is tomorrow." Harry spoke after booking it on hjs phone. "We gotta be ready by 3 pm that day."

Everyone nodded. They hoped Big Time Rush wouldn't somehow find them there too. But little did the boys know, BTR always has something up their sleeve......

🌉END OF CHAPTER 3🌉 omg what do u think btr is gonna do???? im shaking with anticipation!!!!!!!!

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