Ch 10 : The Crash

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A/N:thanks for reading this far guys ! A lot of ideas coming up and if you like the book make sure to comment and vote ! Thx !(oh and sorry for late update. I went on a trip.)


A week later...

I got up super early. Way earlier than Spencer. It was kinda interesting. I looked out the window. Still dark. I looked on the clock. 4:00. I looked at Spencer. 'Hot' I thought.
Getting up and heading to the kitchen, I reflected the events from a week earlier. I went on my first date with Spencer. I got a job as a model. I met Spencer's friend Mac. Became Spencer's new girlfriend. Pretty good week.

I looked outside and saw a girl who threw a softball at a window (which was now broken). That's probably what woke me up. I stared as the girl walked to the guys house and apologized. A loud popping noise from the toaster took me out of my gaze.

Picking the toast out of the toaster and spreading bread on it, I heard the sound of groaning. Spencer must be awake. He's not really a morning person. It's cute though how he first wakes up. All raggedy hair, loose t-shirt, half open eyes. Yep, my Spencer.

Anyway, after I got my toast I looked at Spencer. He was slouched over and leaning on the counter . "Hey babe, are you ok ?" I asked looking over at him. I walked over. He nodded and mumbled that he was fine. Putting my hand on his forehead, I had felt heat. "Hey babe, I think your sick." I said.

"No, I'm-I'm-I'm fine, b-babe." He said. I directed him to the couch were he laid down.

My phone vibrated against the cold, hard countertop. Picking it up, I read the alarm on the screen. It read 'Photoshoot at the cafe at 3:00 PM'. It was from my boss. "Hey, Spencer, I need to go to work later today. Can you take care of yourself or do you want me to stay home ?" I asked. He sat up.
"I told you I'm fine !" He said." In fact , I can drive you !" He was apparently mad. I was ok with the idea , before we got in the car.

Spencer's hand was shaking. I looked at him, worried. He just stared at the road with droupy, angrey eyes. After he started driving I started to reassure myself. He was fine. I trust him. He stared at the road like a zombie. Pale and tired. Then, it all

The scream. The flash. The tears. The pain. We were just driving down a strait road. But Spencer past out. He was so sick and tired. He passed out. We side-tracked into a wall. It wasn't any important property or anything, but there was a lot of people around to see the fireworks. I watched as the glass broke in a billion pieces. I heard myself as well as other civilians scream. I saw Spencer go unconscious. I felt the pain rise from my legs to my arms and take over my vision. The last thing I saw was me and Spencer getting loaded into an ambulance. And I saw Angie get in with us.

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