Ch 11 : Hospital Life

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I was in a store when the unthinkable happened. My used-to-be best friend, Katy, and her dumbo boyfriend, Spencer, crashed into a wall. Whether or not it was an accident I'm not so sure. All I saw was a split-second image. I saw him looking sick in the front seat, awake, then he wasn't, now there's an ambulance across the street and I'm standing stupidly in the middle of the store, paralyzed by the sudden coincidence. This wasn't possible. Not to her or me or him. I ran outside once reality caught up to me.

"Are you Angela?" Asked a random police officer.

"Yes? Why exactly?" I asked. Why did this officer know my name. More importantly, how does he know my name?

"We were looking on Katy and Spencer's data throughout the years to see any contacts or medical conditions that we may need to know about. And your name just kept coming up. "The officer stated. I nodded, not knowing what to say. The cop took the hint. "Come with me, Angela."

"I would prefer you call me Angie ." I said politely.

"Of course." The officer said back.

"Angie?..." I heard while getting into the ambulance with the unknown officer. I could have sworn it was a whisper of the wind, but it wasn't.

"Katy?!" I said as I saw a messed up, bloody, calm face. I inched my way to her as fast as I could but there was big equipment that I wasn't in any mood to knock down.

"Angie , isn't it?"I nodded at the mysterious voice. "We would prefer you to keep a two-foot distance from Katy." I felt empty when I heard that. I needed her! I needed someone that could handle the both of us! Together... As best friends...

"An...G...Gie..." I looked over at Katy. She was panting in pain.

"It's gonna be okay..."I said, giving myself doubt. "We're almost there." I could see the hospital. We're so close. The sirens from the other ambulence holding her boyfriend, was echoing behind me.
It was almost an hour after we got to the hospital. Katy and Spencer were in seperate rooms, much to my liking, but I put that to the side. I sat there in Katy's room, watched as Katy slept, and waited for everyone to get there.

Her parents came in first, crying, whispering amongst them selfs. I didn't catch all of it but I heard random words like"Brandon," and "not to us!"

My parents came in second . They were very concerned by the looked on their faces ."Oh Angie! Are you alright? This must be hard for you!..."they asked this like every five minutes, and I don't think they believe me when I say,'I'm fine...' I wouldn't believe me either. I wasn't fine . I wanted my best friend. I wanted to talk to her and be her friend and do the things we used to do, but I couldn't because she lives a hospital life now. 'How long will she be here?'I asked myself. Walking over to Katy, I looked at some of the cards people brought in the next hour. All of them were sweet, especially the ones that came with goodies like flowers and such.

I got up to leave with my mom when I felt a finger brush my arm. Looking up, I saw Katy, sad and lonely looking, staring me." Please...Please...don't leave..." She whispered through her unsteady breathing. I looked over at my mom, unsure. She nodded and I smiled.

"I won't ever leave."
Authors note: This story isn't over, i just put a sappy ending to the chapter so it had more character . If you like it then remember to comment, follow and vote ! Thx U guys!😊

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