Chapter 15

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Angie came back after, like, three hours. More like three minutes. Anyway... She came back with that smart blonde boy she dated. He looked nice. 'Yeah, he looks nice. At least for now. What if he looks old when he's twenty?' I thought.

"Hey. Where's Spencer?" She asked walking into the room.

"He's getting some bandages off so they took him to another room. What's he doing here?" I said. I didn't care if it was rude. He hurt my newly reunited friend.

"I don't think we've ever met." He said. "I'm Zach. Zach Erwin." He held out a polite hand. I really wanted to grab it and squeeze it so hard that he cried, but Angie gave me the forgiving eyes so I didn't.

"Your Katy, right?" Zach asked. I nodded. Silence filled the room in an awkward moment.

"You never told me why he was here." I whispers not-so-inaudibly. She was playing Crossy Road® but looked up when I asked her.

"Oh, yeah. He thinks he knows Spencer." Angie said waving her hand around. I nodded.

"Do you? How?" He thought for a moment.

"I think I know him. If I did, we used to be chemistry partners." He said simply. I nodded again.

"When is Spencer coming back?" Angie asked, hooking her phone up to a portable charger.

"I don't know. Like, two minutes. They said that he's healed some, he can go home." I said.

"That's cool. I've never seen your house. Can we go there?" She asked. I nodded and said:

"Yeah, just wait two minutes. I wanna see Spencer first." We both waited quietly, Zach awkwardly staring at Angie. She had no clue, but I wasn't gonna tell her: It was a cute sight.

"Ms. Katilia Brownston, is it?" A nurse asked, walking in the room. I nodded. "Spencer Greene requested to see you." I made a surprised face because Angie did, too. Zach just looked away. Moody much. Anyway...

The nurse took me to the room Spencer was in and right when we walked in, he came up and hugged me. After over half a year of not walking, he hugged me. It was warm, sweet and lasted pretty long, in my head atleast. Seconds became minutes became hours. Then there was the point that I felt people watching me so I pulled back. Angie and Zach and a few nurses were staring at us.

"Do I know you?" Spencer asked Zach. Zach studied him for a second, as weird as that may be.

"What school did you or do you got to ?" He asked.

"Eastcross. I dropped out though. Or kicked out. I can't really remember." Spencer said with a sly grin.

"Oh. Then I think we Might have been partners in Chem." Zach told him. Spencer nodded, looking as if he didn't care. He then took my hand again. Kind of an awkward situation.

"That's cool." Spencer said.

"Oh, can we go back to ur house?" Angie asked. She pretended to mess with her earring but we all knew it was because she was embarrassed.

"Yeah, sure. When do u wanna go?" I asked her.

"Um...I don't know...Now." I laughed a bit. We walked slowly out of the room (Spencer's right leg hurt) and talked to the lady at the desk. She told him to be careful when walking around, don't rush up stairs, blah, blah, blah.
We finally got to the house-My house-Our house. Significantly, I had my key, unlike any other time ever, so I didn't have to make Spencer get his. Angie was immediately in aww. I asked Spencer how surprised I was when I first saw this place, over half a year ago. He just shrugged and replied "I don't know," whilst turning on the TV to spongebob.

"Where's this lead to?" Zach asked as I plopped myself down.

"Music studio." Simple, Spencer said. Zach and Angie explored our house and me and Spencer cuddled as the yellow figure on the TV flipped "patties" at the the Krusty Krab. Occasionally they ask questions but it all ended with us watching a movie.

"Does anyone want popcorn?" Angie asked as Spencer and Zach fought over movies like Earth To Echo vs The Lion King. They both answered yes, so me and Angie walked into the kitchen.

"Nice kitchen. I like the dark green tiles." She said to me. Flattered, I thanked her."I remembered the other day, how lost I felt without you always there. When I went to see you and Spencer. You looked loss without him, I felt the same way." Angie confessed.

"Yeah, I guess I felt a lot of things over the past year. Pain, uneasiness, obviously change," I waved my hands up and down to infer my black clothes. "But, he was there for me. He took me in, gave me food, got me a really good job."

"Good. He treats you well. As long as my little girl has a man in her life, she's all set." Angie said, sounding a whole lot like my mother. We both laughed and the boys came to "check on us."

"Who won?" I asked. They looked confused so I added: "what movie are we watching." They understood and said "oh..."

Spencer, looking like he just won a medal, held up Earth To Echo. "I won. We're watching Echo." He said, victoriously. I hugged him.

"Nice, Babe." He grunted and hugged me. What's taking the popcorn so long?" I asked Angie. Her eyes suddenly got really big as she rushed to the microwave.

"Uh. Ha ha. Anyone want burned popcorn?" She asked, nervously. We all laughed and pulled each other in a tight embrace. Why, I'm not so sure, but it felt right. The rest of that night, we watched tons of movies, ate tons of popcorn, fell asleep in each other's arms, and woke up feeling complete.

From then on, life felt good. School went by quick. We all got great grades and Angie is already applying for colleges. Spencer got a job as a radio talk show speaker. My job as a model ended because colleges popped up everywhere. As for Zach, I have no idea. You should ask Angie. They started dating again. My family and I reunited as a helping, loving group of people. We all came together every Tuesday's for a meet up at a cafe since we're all moving on in our lives. Amd-can you keep a secret? Ok, I'll trust you:
I've noticed that Angie has a picture of Brandon on her desk, right next to Zach. I have one, too. I secretly look at it every morning. Actually sometimes Spencer sees me and looks at me like I'm crazy, but, you know: who isn't? So, yeah. Life is finally good. Life is always gonna be good.

~~~~~I bet my life on it.~~~~~

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