Public Apologies

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Tuesday morning at school

" AhSi, have you seen Xin Bai's public apology letter? " Ximen asked in morning as soon as Daoming Si came to the class.

" no, I haven't. Where? " 

" In the school website and some printed letter posted in every school's wall. I saw one by the headmaster office. " Ximen said.

" o, great! I'll have a look " .

Daoming Si reached his phone and open the school website straightaway.

He read,

                           PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT 

I truly sorry for my misconduct regarding to my Weibo Post last week.

Most of you must have had heard and seen what happened.

I understood my irresponsible act had caused terrible impact for some people in this school. School that I loved.

I take a full responsibility and furthermore I will write private apologies to those pupils involved.

I promise I will not do it again in the future.

Once again, please accept my sincere apologies.

-Xin Bai-

Daoming Si didn't say anything. He just sit, quietly and thinking.

" So what do you think? Is that enough for you? " asked Ximen.

"She didn't mentioned the names. " Daoming Si replied.

" I think that's the school policy, AhSi. The school is trying to protect you and Shancai being dragged again in the unpleasant situation and avoid more rumours going around. Although most, if not everyone in the whole school already knew anyway. But at least the school try to stop going further  " Ximen offered his opinion.

" I guess you're right. Still I want to see her apology to Shancai though. Either doing it in person or letter, but I want people witness it. I wanted everyone to know, Shancai has done nothing wrong. It's that jealous girl of her classmates done.   I don't care if she doesn't write an apology to me. I don't need one! " AhSi exclaimed.

" I am sure she will. Well, I hope she will. We'll soon find out! " uttered Ximen.

Not long after, Lei and MeiZuo entered the classroom.

" I suppose you have read ..." Lei said.

" Yes, we just discussed it " Ximen answered.

" it seems you and Shancai will be the talk of the school this week again! "

MeiZuo said nonchalantly.

" See that AhSi, without even mentioned your or Shancai's name, everyone already knew it." Told Ximen.

" You mean in good or bad way? " AhSi can't help but asking .

" it depends how you want to see it, do you like being treated as school celebrity, though I think we all F4 already used to it by now,  so more importantly is Shancai will be happy to be a new school celebrity being tagged with your notorious name AhSi? " MeiZuo chuckled.

Daoming Si finally realised, " Damned ! I knew is a bad thing! "

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