Please wait for me in Hangzhou

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It took about 1 hour and half for the train to get to Hangzhou.

Thirty minutes before reaching the destination, Daoming Si sending a message.

~Are you there yet? ~AhSi wrote.

Shancai looked at the message and wondered, she replied quickly.

'There where? '

Daoming Si feelings anxious.

'The Duck and Swan restaurant I told you'

'I thought you joking, it's look so expensive! My student purse won't be able to covered it. XiaYou and even Lin-ge thought so too. So we're about to find another....'

Shancai hasn't finished typing her message, when Daoming Si decided to call her.

" Hello, Shancai "

" Daoming Si !! "

" I've already booked a table for f— three at that restaurant. You can't just not turning up. I feel bad with the owner as it happened to be our family business colleague if I have to cancel it.. just go there. Don't worry about the expenses, it has been taken care of. Okay, please "

" oh AhSi, you know you don't have to.. "

" don't argue, just go. You helping me by going there. "

( easy for me to find you ... AhSi chuckled)

" okay, okay..


"Daoming Si said he already booked the table for us and he doesn't want to disappointed the restaurant owner, which apparently his family colleagues or something " Shancai told XiaYou and Lin-ge.

" but, isn't it expensive Shancai?" concerned XiaYou.

" Hmm, he said don't worry about that, already been taking care of" muttered Shancai uncertain.

Lin-ge sensed something really is up, " Please let us be clear, this your rich boy friend of yours at school whom now is on holiday in Japan taking all the trouble to booked us a table in expensive restaurants in Hangzhou, and more over he would paying as well?"

" So Shancai what's is exactly your relationship with this boy? Be honest.

Unless he always randomly doing this to his -just school friends- out of nowhere. Is he your boyfriend? " asked Lin-ge couldn't hide his jeolousy and disappointment.

"No, he is not!"

"He just a good friend. He's good friend with XiaYou too." Shancai answered defensively.

" No way, just a friend! I think he has feelings for you. No guy doing this for any girl, Shancai " told Lin-ge exasperated thinking how naive she was.

" I don't know. Even if he does... " Shancai seems can not find the right word.

" even if he does, but I'm pretty certain he does not. It's not gonna change anything. Nothing is going to happen. "

Lin Zhao quick thinking said, " meaning, you don't like him? ", he suddenly feel much lighter, he might still has a chance.

" oh, I do like him. But not kind of like I think. We have nothing I common, if you see his ex girlfriend or fiancé, Miss YuanZi. You'd know, what type of girl will suit him. Miss Shanghai or even Miss China kind of girls, isn't it right XiaYou? "

XiaYou whom just keep silence for the wholesome conversation just nodded.

Then she added ," Shancai is right, there's some news on Weibo this week, Daoming Si is having secret vacancy with her at the moment. Even there's some pictures too. So very likely they're together right now "

Shancai interrupted, " just leave this issue, we better just going inside the restaurant, to check if he really booked the table for us. I am terribly hungry now! "

" Let's go " 


" Welcome Miss Dong, we've been waiting for you.

Let me taking you and your guests to our best table. Please follow me "

the restaurant manager greeted them.

Dong Shancai, XiaYou and her brother we're stunned, they're looked at each other's, then decided to follow that polite man.

" thank you " the three of them saying.

" Here is your table for four. Please make yourself comfortable.

I give you time to look at the menu, you all may choose anything from the card, it's all the on the house. Meanwhile what would like for drinks? "

IThey ordered some special welcome drink from the restaurant.

" this is unreal. Look at the prices here. Even for my soup starters, it cost me for 3 times meals a day already.

We should properly thanked AhSi when we see him, geez that boy! Aren't we lucky? " XiaYou almost screamed, while her brother become so quiet and pretended concentrating on looking at the menu.

Shancai also lost for words.

The manager come to the table again, "Have you Miss and Mister chosen your menu and ready to order? "

Understanding they all still having difficulty to decide, he saying again, " or perhaps, we can offer you the selection dishes from the chef's today special .

" That's an excellent idea. I think we all would like to order that, agreed? "

" yes , brilliant idea."

" excellent! Four Chef's today special confirmed order. Excuse me" said the manager.

When the manager left, Lin-ge saying, " it's weird he keeps miscounted us. It's obviously only 3 of us here. Unless there's an invisible guest , We knew nothing of. "

" yeah, it's strange. " Shancai wondered too.

When their food brought up by the waitress, it was four individual dishes for four people.

Shancai almost corrected the waitress, " Excuse me, but as you see, only 3 of us dine here , not 4. Are you certain these dishes are for our table? " question Shancai, she hated to see food being waste.

The waitress smiled, " Yes, it's for this table. The order is for four people. Please enjoy your meal."

"But ,... "

Suddenly, " SHANCAI ... " a familiar voice coming from the door, made everyone starring enthusiastically whose loud voice was that.



I lost to my own challenge to write one chapter a day 😔(it happened a few times before, but I think I rescued it. My streak! I regarded as achievement as I am not a natural writer)

My Life dynamics has changed. However , I determined to finish it to at the comfortable point.

One thing I believed  "You'll never get a second chance in life, you either grab it or forget it. Then live with the consequences "

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