Why don't you answer that damn phone?

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10:30 AM

"Yes, Shushu Yan, would you mind please? Yes, back here then we will going together to the airport. Thanks! " 

After sending Shushu Yan to pick Lei up from his house, Daoming Si tried to ring Shancai's number again. Still failed. She isn't answering her phone.

Daoming Si started to feel anxious.

All scenarios running in his head, was she mad, upset angry, was she sick, or her parents sick, even the obscure one, like was she got kidnapped last night?

She did make it to her house safe last night, wasn't she? Otherwise her parents would looking for me with the police.

Daoming Si regretted he didn't know her home number, her parents number.

Although she would be suspicious if I asked her parents phone. You're not normally exchange phone numbers with your friend's parents, do you?

I should know her best friends number, XiaYou. I should, shouldn't I? 

This uncertainty was driving me crazy.

Daoming Si decided to send another text .

' hi Shancai, I didn't mean to joke like that. I am so sorry. Okay. It was a joke. Bad joke, I know. I am sorry. Please reply, even with just one word 'ok' . Thanks, AhSi

He almost wrote  'as soon as possible. I am worried sick ' but decided not to.

He sent it.

Waiting for a minute, three, five and ten minutes, still no reply.

His hopes disappeared. Something must've had happened.

Daoming Si contemplating about cancelling his holiday trip to Japan.

He is walking back and forth in his room not knowing what to do.

it's almost 11 AM now,

Someone knocked the door.

" who's that?! " he answered rather harshly.

" just me, your poor friend Lei "

"Oh Lei, coming in " said AhSi

Lei opened his door room and let himself in.

" are you alright? " he asked.

" not really . " Daoming Si answered frankly. There's no point to lie to Lei anyway. His particular friend can smell a rat and he is a dead rat.

" what happened? "

Daoming Si explained in short what has had happened and how now he cannot thinking straight because his thought are full of worries.

" AhSi, I am sure if something happened last night, her parents would already here by now. It's not that difficult to find where the Daoming's live is . " said Lei.

" maybe it just, she just not comfortable with you still and avoiding your call and your message again. "

Daoming Si wasn't convinced that Shancai still very uncomfortable with him. We seemed got along well yesterday . It's impossible.  He also would not believe Shancai would be the kind of girl that so rude, not replying to people messages. Not just single message, he left three messages.

" I've got an idea, how about trying to ring her with my phone? See if she is just blocked your number? " suggests Lei.

" mmh, I am not sure. " AhSi could not bear  with the ideas Shancai could be blocked his number.

" well, up to you. It's no harm to try, right? " Lei persuaded.

" I will make sure to delete the call history, if you're that jealous I will keep her number! " Lei chuckled.

Daoming Si glared. "Not funny, Lei "

In between shy, embarrassed and desperate, the time is running out. And finally he's agreed to given a try to Lei's idea.

Although he's hoping to hear Shancai answer his call by using Lei's phone, still some part of him wishing she wouldn't. I know it's complicated, but this is how Daoming Si logic.

If Shancai answered this call, it's only a proof, she is really avoiding him.

Just the thought of it, stirred some unpleasant feelings inside him.

So unenthusiastically he punched Shancai's number on Lei's phone.

It rings 10 times, still no one answered the phone.

Half of him feelings more concerned and some part of his feelings was relief.

' she's not just avoiding me! " 

That's a bittersweet.

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