Summer Solstice (Part 3)

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The twins had returned to get a few hours sleep before the dawn ceremony where Arty would be crowned the sun king for the day where his powers would peak and flow into the earth to make the summer crops more plentifully across the kingdom. It was an hour before dawn when some of the druids came in and woke them and they, in turn, braved going in to wake their mother and father who were sprawled on the bed with the furs barley covering their modesty.

"Ma, Da, you have to get up. It'll be dawn soon." Rowan spoke quietly shaking his father's shoulder earning him a groan. Rowan shook him again and Arthur's eyes cracked open and looked up at him tiredly. Rowan shook him again and Arthur huffed before sitting up and quickly snatching up the furs before they uncovered him blushing slightly.

"You two go get ready, I'll wake your mother." He told them his voice like gravel, both boys giggled before hurrying out so that the druid women could get them ready. Arthur turned to see Merlyn tucked down into the furs and pillows and chuckled lightly before gently rubbing a hand up her scarred back gently.

"Love we need to go."

Merlyn moaned and pulled the furs up higher. "Go 'way, need sleep." Arthur huffed before grabbing the furs and pulling them off causing her to squeak at the cold morning air on her nude body.

"Arthur!" She growled sitting up and covering herself. Arthur simply laughed at her pout and climbed out of bed picking up his now dirty white clothes.

"Do we have another set?" He asked but Merlyn just rolled her eyes before waving her hand and with a flash of gold they were spotless. Arthur smirked before pulling them on while Merlyn got up and cleaned herself before pulling out another white dress that had a piece cut from the back leaving her exposed and two gold clasps on each shoulder. She and Arthur strode into the main area to see the druid women surrounding both children painting their exposed upper bodies with woad making them look like ancient warriors. One of the druids ushered Merlyn to stand with them as they used the same woad to paint her exposed skin with delicate vines, flowers and leaves.

Arthur watched mesmerised as their bodies were covered in the beautiful blue paint and a crown of summer flowers was placed upon Merlyn's brow. Her face had delicate vines and leaves creeping out from the sides of her face to frame it while a symbol of two crescents and a circle were painted on her forehead. Her eyes were lined with kohl and dusted in gold making her look every part the goddess she was portraying.

Arty was painted in a warriors style with thick lines and swirling patterns with the symbol of the sun painted on his chest and hints of oak leaves, he had a sweep of paint over his left eye while his brother had the same but over the right. Rowan had the crescent moon painted on his chest among the swirls and whorls of paint. Both only wore trousers with bare feet, Arty in a deep green and his brother in white. Once they were done the druids left leaving behind pair of brown trousers, a short fur cloak and a horned headdress.

Merlyn tossed him the trousers and Arthur quickly switched them with his white ones before going over and having Merlyn take off his white shirt to expose his tanned skin.

"What are you doing?" Arthur asked.

"You're representing the Horned God Cernunnos the consort of the triple goddess." She replied with a grin before picking up a bowl of the blue woad and begins painting his body much like the boys who are standing on chairs to paint his back. When Merlyn finished she painted a circle with a crescent on his brow to symbolise the horned god, then she grabbed the short fur cloak and wrapped it over his shoulders tying it at the front. She then took the deer antler headdress decorated in oak leaves and small flowers and placed it on his head securing it in place with magic.

Arthur turned to the mirror and gasped at his reflection lifting his hand to touch his painted face looking nothing like the cultured prince that left the citadel. He instead looked like a pagan god walking amongst mortals; dark, wild, cunning. Arthur turned to his beautiful goddess and smiled before leaning forward to capture her lips being careful of the headdress.

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