Chapter 21421: The Late Night Show Because I Missed Valentines Day

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Listen, I have no idea what the hell this is, but enjoy the short fluff piece I have written because I missed Valentines Day.


Luz and Amity sat on the beanbags in the library, heads buried in the thick copies of the books they read. A warm glow came from the light spell Luz had casted earlier. Both girls sat there, in a reassuring warm contentment with the others presences. "Amity?" Luz asked, receiving a hum in response. "I was wondering about something." Luz said, moving closer to Amity, scooching the beanbag closer. Amity looked up from the book and stared into the warm glowing amber eyes of Luz (are Luz's eyes amber? Cause I have no idea). The two looked at each other, no words could dare to be spoken as the silence continued to grow. It felt as though there was a mutual understanding with the two. And as the two moved closer together, almost on autopilot, they reached forward for the others face and...

Nah, I'm kidding, here's what really happened:

"You got games on your phone?" Luz whispered in Amity's ear. She shoved Luz away with a small slap on the face. "Social distancing, Luz, geez." 

Yes, I made this as a joke. What about it?

I also made this to tell you that I have some news. I'm deleting the sequel to this book because I think this book stands fine on it's own with no continuation needed. The other news is that I'm writing another Lumity book, this time with equal amounts of angst and fluff, along with references to shows I watch because every cartoon universe is connected somehow (although, I'm not really sure how She-Ra got there). I don't know when the new book will be released, but maybe around the time that I release the second chapter to my Boshlow book (which yes, I'm sorry that I didn't update, but I'm gonna say this:


So be on the lookout for the new book, whenever it comes out. Happy belated Valentines Day and I'll see y'all soon! 

~ Chaos.

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