Chapter Six: A Friend To All Is A Friend To None

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A/N: Hi y'all, I just wanted you all to be aware that I wrote this chapter weeks before Enchanting Grom Fright and Wing it Like Witches, so some stuff that may happen in this chapter were transpired before those two episodes. Thank you! A/N 2: So uh, season 1 is finished so I have to finish this book, sorry for the long wait, life happened and I had writers block. 

She had woken up in a dark, void room. No one was around, and the room seemed to pulse in time with her heartbeat. 'How did I get here?' she thought to herself. Darkness grew above her, as shadows surrounded her, all chanting the same thing; "S H E  W I L L  N E V E R  L O V E  Y O U." The voices grew with each chant, to a thundering roar as they screamed, chanted, yelled. She fell to her knees and started to sob. "! It's not true!" but her sob of terror went unheard. It was pitch black. The voices had stopped. And something near her was growing brighter...

"Mittens! Wake up, you don't wanna be late for school." Emira laughed, as she stood above her sleeping sister. Amity jolted up, grumbling as she glared at Emira. "Emira, it's a Saturday. We don't have school." Amity groaned. "Oh, I know. I just knew that it would wake you up." She laughed. "Besides, you got a message from your little girlfriend~" Emira teased. Amity snarled at her sister, and elbowed her in the arm. "Just give it to me and then get out of my room." She grumbled. "Aw, but what if I wanna stay?" Emiria giggled. "Leave or I'll scream." Amity growled. Emiria, not having any fun anymore, handed her the letter and walked out of the room. Amity opened up the letter. Inside was a lot of glitter, Azura drawings, a ripped out section, and a message.

"Hi Amity!

It's Luz here, sorry for the glitter, King insisted it would make the paper better somehow. He's correct. Anyways, I was hoping if we could have a weekend Azura bookclub? Y'know, just us two friends being the best of friends! Ah, wait a minute, Hooty's trying to eat-

Sorry if part of this letter is ripped, Hooty bit some of it. But anyways, I'll be at the Owl House if you wanna do it and we can walk down to the library together!

~ Luz"

Amity's heart skipped a beat, which really isn't healthy, but then again she was a magic being. She folded the letter back up and placed it in her desk. "Edric!! Tell mom and dad that I'm going out with friends!" She called. "Are you sure it isn't your hu-" Edric was about to finish, but Amity quickly sped out the door. 


Amity made her way up the road to the Owl House. Personally, she had no idea how Luz even continued to live there, considering the..."bird" thing. Not to mention that fuzzy demon, and the Owl Lady herself. 'And what? You would rather she live with you, and your parents find her and take her away from you? Pfft, yeah right.' she thought to herself, rolling her eyes. But inside, she was hurt by the thought. She neared the door to find "Hooty" casually trying to kill a bug. Amity shuddered. 'So creepy...' she thought. "Oh, heya there Luz's girlfriend!" Hooty called. Amity blushed deep scarlet. "Say that again, and I will flip your insides out." She growled. "Oooh, I wanna see what my insides look like, hoot hoot." Hooty hooted. Amity stood there, with a bunch of weird mixed emotions. "Hooty, let the dang girl in already." Eda called from inside. Hooty obliged and Amity walked into the house. "So let me guess," Eda started. "You're here to see Luz aren't you?" Amity blushed for the 100,000,000th time in her life. What was she, a gosh darn dragon? "You'd be correct." Amity mumbled. "Great, I'll go get your little girlfriend and then you two can go do...I dunno whatever teens do I guess." Eda said. She walked upstairs to get Luz. Amity huffed, still blushing at the mention of Luz being her girlfriend. She sat on the couch and closed her eyes. 

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