14K Special (Plus Sneak Peek At A Marcanne Fic I'm Writing)

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Hello! I know I posted a trolly Valentine's Day chapter, and I'm sorry for that. But recently, I hit 14K reads on this story and I thought I would do something nice. I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing since I've been having a stressful past few months. Also, stay tuned till the end for a sneak peek of something special I'm working on


Amity sat in class, doodling in her notebook. Nothing could be fully read on her face except for a small smile that crossed her lips. It made the other half the student body, including George, a tad bit...to put it lightly, disturbed. They've never seen Amity Blight, top student and a Blight, smile before. Let alone, something as happy and joyous as her own. 

All she had on her mind was Luz. Thank Titan she could finally admit that to herself without becoming flustered. The two had been spending some time together after their date and their kiss. The kiss. Holy moly, that made Amity's heart soar just thinking about it. She could feel her cheeks heating up, and quickly tried to calm herself down. Apparently, blushing at least 100,000,000 times in her life could become a serious medical issue down the line. 

The bell rang, and all the students got up from their seats and headed out the door. Amity lingered behind, and stood outside the doorway, looking down the hall for the familiar sight of-

"Hey Amity!"

There she was. 

Luz was beaming as she ran down the hallway towards the other witch. In a flash, Luz reached for Amity, turned her head, and gave her girlfriend a small kiss on the cheek. "Luz!" Amity squealed, pushing her girlfriend away from her. "You're lucky that nobody saw that!" Amity scolded,  although she was smiling. Luz giggled, giving Amity a playful punch on the shoulder. "Can't a girl greet her girlfriend anymore?" Amity giggled in return. The two started to walk down the hallway to the library. The two had found a secret passage hidden in one of the bookshelves that not even the librarians heard about. And since school had ended, and the library that they normally went to was closed for some...dimensional purposes,  the two made their way down. 

Not many people could be seen around the library, save for a few students doing some homework, George, and a volunteer librarian who was half asleep at the desk. Quietly, since it was a library, the two went down to the romance-fantasy section and tilted a red book titled, "Placeholder Book Name".  The door opened, very quietly which was odd since doors usually make noise when opened, but it might have a well oiled door. The two headed inside and shut the door behind them. 

The room was almost identical to the normal room of the library they usually went to, save for one detail: it was just more dark, no matter how many light spells they used to surround the area. 

 "So, do you remember where we left off last time?" Luz asked, putting down her stuff. "Chapter 6: Talk About It, page 45" Amity said, taking out a book from her bag. The two had recently picked up a new series called, "Mary Sue, I Love You" and they were instantly hooked. "Dang, we're that far ahead already?" Luz said, taking out her copy. "Yeah, I guess so." Amity shrugged. The two plopped down on their beanbags and opened up the book. "Wait a minute," Luz said. "What?" Amity asked. Luz quickly buried her head under Amity's arm and popped back out. With a smile, she kissed Amity on the cheek and wrapped the blanket near them around them. "Luz..." Amity rolled her eyes, playfully. "No questions, no interruptions. It's Book Club and cuddle time." And the two began to read, with the warm embrace of each other and the blanket. 

(End of Special, Sneak Peek time!)

Marcy sat across from Anne, staring. She had dreams like this before, to feel this close to Anne, but Sasha was always there to disturb the peace. Now, it was just the two of them. Just the two of them. Just the..."Don't dream too far Marcy." She scolded herself. She rested her head on her knees, clutching herself tightly. This was all she ever wanted, and she was ruining it by being...well, herself. For once, in her life, could she be normal so that she could finally say something, do something, be something to the person she cared the most deeply about? Could she for once just admit how she feels without feeling like she needed to drag it out for as long as she could until eventually Anne married a rich baron and had cat children? Okay, that part of her brain wasn't really awake. Part of that image might be her sleep depravation. 

(End of Sneak peek)


Hello, hello! I just wanted to say thank you for 14K views on this story. I haven't really done a special chapter since 2018 and I don't remember why I stopped, but oh well, here we are. Hopefully you guys enjoyed, and I hope you also liked that sneak peek at my new story that I'm writing. It's called, "Marcy Wu, I Love You" and I decided to get it out now before Season 2B fully drops because I saw that promo and felt F E A R. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see y'all later!

~ Chaos

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