Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Let me get this straight, you went to New York for Merlin knows what and you come back with another set of twins who so happen to enjoy pranking as much as Fred and George." Remus said. Peter gave him a guilty smile.

"Yep, oh and uncle Moony I got you something." He said, putting his suitcase on the table. He pulled out six cases of snickers and Reese's peanut butter cups.

"Since you love chocolate so much I thought I'd get you some American muggle chocolate."

Remus stared at the cases.

"That's a lot of chocolate." He said letting out a low whistle. He tore open a package of Reese's cups and took a bite.

"Ok, that is good." He admitted taking another chocolate.

"What about me?" Sirius pouted. Peter gave him a sly grin and tossed him a t-shirt. Sirius' reaction was priceless.

"Really? Out of all things you could've gotten you got me a lousy t-shirt."

"What's so bad about the t-shirt?" Remus asked. Sirius sighed and held it up for him to see.

'My son went to New York and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.'

Remus burst out laughing.

"Hilarious." Sirius said dryly.

"Your mother is going to kill me." Peter said as he took out a large box and set it down in front of the Weasley twins. Fred and George rubbed their hands together in excitement and opened the box. They let out a gasp.

"What? What is it?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"How'd you get these?"

"They're illegal here."

"PETER PARKER BLACK! How dare you buy them pranking supplies! Especially since they're illegal here!" Mrs. Weasley said angrily. Peter attempted to hide behind his father.

"I'm not helping you with this one." Sirius said.

"Dad." Peter said, annoyed.

"That's what you get for getting me a lame present."

"That's what you're angry about? I shouldn't have gotten you anything." Peter said grabbing the t-shirt out of Sirius' hand.

Ginny got a Zenith one hundred which was the equivalent to a nimbus two thousand and two. Peter thought it was funny to get Mr. Weasley a box full of rubber ducks. He got Hermione a copy of Ilvermorny a History causing everyone in the room to laugh.

"Peter, can I ask what this contraption is?" Remus asked, pointing to a strange looking round case.

"Oh that's for Charlie." Peter replied.

"Did someone say my name?" Charlie asked strolling into the room. Peter's face went white.

"And to think your mother was going to kill me for what I got the twins, she's definitely going to kill me now. Gred and Forge apparate me out of here."  Peter pleaded.

"You are not going anywhere young man." Mrs. Weasley said firmly, blocking his path. Peter swallowed hard as Charlie opened the case.

"I am dead, I am so dead. Gred and Forge you're invited to my funeral."

"Oh my Godric it's a Hydra egg." Charlie said with an ecstatic look on his face.

"D-did you just say Hydra?" Peter stammered, but before Charlie could answer a very angry Mrs. Weasley exploded.


"Guys it was nice knowing you. Here lies Peter Parker Black. Cause of death: The wrath of Molly Weasley and not the dark lord. I leave my map to the Weasley twins and my broom to Dean. Anything else dad you could keep." Peter said dramatically. The next thing Peter knew was that the walls were closing in on him as he began to breath heavily. His heart picked up speed and began sweating buckets. Peter placed a hand over his chest. He was having a hard time breathing.

"Molly, Molly you have to stop. He's having a panic attack." Sirius said frantically. All this talk about the Hydra egg got Peter thinking of HYDRA, the evil organization that was currently infecting S.H.I.E.L.D. He had heard stories from Steve Rogers about them. They were responsible for many of the  world's disastrous events. They were responsible for Tony's parents' deaths and for brainwashing Bucky. It suddenly got Peter wondering if they knew about the wizarding world and what was going on? Were they waiting for Voldemort's and Harry's epic battle or were they somehow mixed into this mess?

"Peter." Sirius said nervously. He had no idea how to stop a panic attack.

"Peter, you need to breathe." Remus said, trying to stay calm.

"I-I can't." Peter choked.

"Yes, you can. Just focus on me, Peter. Focus on my voice." Remus said. Peter tried his best to focus on Remus' voice.

"Ok, that's a start now can you name me-" Peter cut Remus off by naming him half of the periodic table of elements which had every wizard looking around confused.

"You're doing great now tell me more about this science stuff." Remus said encouragingly. So, Peter did. He started off with basic physics and then went into quantum theory and after what seemed like forever Peter was breathing normally. Peter got up, excused himself and went up to his room.

"What just happened?" Charlie asked.

"Peter was having a panic attack and I might have been the reason." Mrs. Weasley said grimly.

"I don't think you're the one who triggered it." Remus said.

"And what makes you think that Molly isn't responsible for this mess?" Sirius demanded.

"Charlie, what kind of egg did you say that was?" Remus asked, ignoring Sirius' question.

"It's a hydra egg. They're really quite rare." Charlie replied.

"I think that triggered it." Remus said.

"What does a hydra egg have to do with this?" Molly asked.

"I don't know, but I intend to find out." Remus answered. There were a lot of questions on everyone's minds, but they didn't want to bring it up. They didn't want to cause Peter to have another panic attack.

Peter had never ran out of the room that fast before. As he entered his own room he felt like his head was ready to explode. Was HYDRA somehow involved in the wizarding world and if so, what were they up to?

He found a few copies of Dean's comic books and began to read them, trying to take his mind off what was going on around him. When he picked up the next comic book he froze. The name of the villain, Crossbones sounded very familiar. He tossed the comic book aside and ran off to find the Weasley twins.

Peter grabbed onto the twins' arms and began to drag them away.

"Ow, ow. Peter could you stop that?" Fred asked.

"I needed to ask you something." Peter stated.

"And that required you to bloody drag us across the house?" George demanded, yanking his arm out of Peter's grasp.

"Is there a guy in your year named Brock Rumlow?"

Fred and George exchange looks.

"That slimy, Slytherin American git. Word's out that he's doing the dark lord's bidding." Fred said disgustedly.

"Why do you ask?" George inquiried.

"Everything's ok, they're ok. How bad can the seventeen year old version of this psychopath be?" Peter wondered.

"Uh, Peter are you alright?"

"Yep, fine, never been better. Gotta go, bye." Peter rambled leaving behind a very startled and confused Fred and George. But, in reality Peter wasn't fine. HYDRA had managed to infiltrate Hogwarts and the dark lord's circles. It was quite possible that they had infiltrated the ministry. With all this new information, Peter wondered who he could trust?

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