Chapter Forty Three

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"Put away your textbooks and take out your wands." Bakshi said. No one needed to be told twice. Everyone eagerly took out their wands.

"We're going to be learning the patronus charm. Who knows what a patronus charm is used for?"

The entire Avengers crew raised their hand

"Mr. Dursley."

"I prefer to be called Evans and a patronus charm is used to ward off a dementor." Dudley replied.

"Very good Mr. Evans. For someone who's quite new to magic that is really impressive. Five points to Hufflepuff."

Peter tried his best to mask his fears. He knew who Bakshi was. He had heard stories about Hydra and what they were capable of and Bakshi was one of their worst agents.

"He's testing us, this is really bad." Peter thought to himself.

"Mr. Black, I've heard you're able to produce a patronus charm." Bakshi said, bringing him back to reality.

"We've all seen it, it's not really impressive." Theo sneered.

"Mr. Nott, are you able to produce a patronus?" Bakshi asked. Theo's face turned bright red. He shook his head.

"Then I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself. Now, who here can produce a patronus?" Bakshi asked. The entire Avengers crew raised their hands.

"Mr. Evans, you can produce a patronus charm."

Dudley nodded.

"Bad idea. Guys keep your mouths shut." Peter thought worriedly. He wasn't able to stop everyone from casting their patronus. Dozens of small silvery animals pranced around the room. As the seconds ticked by slowly, Peter was praying for the bell to ring. When it finally did Peter bolted for the door. He made sure no one was following him before he shifted into his animagus form.

When he got to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom he swung down from the ceiling, shifted back into his human form and made his way to the broken sink. Peter whipped out Tony's voice changing device to open the chamber and used parseltongue revealing not a bottomless pit, but a modern day elevator.

"Wicked." Two voices behind him said, startling him.

"Gred, Feorge, warn a guy before you scare the living daylights out of them." Peter said, turning around with a groan.

"We saw this strange looking spider." Fred began.

"So, we decided to follow it."

"And here we are."

"Hurry up and get in you two before someone sees you." Peter said, shoving them in.

"Peter, you're standing on my foot." Fred complained.

"Does it look like I care?" Peter snapped.

"Sheesh what a grouch." George muttered.

"Good morning Director Black." A voice said, causing Fred and George to jump.

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