Chapter Forty Six

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"Is it me or has Peter been acting strange lately?" Sirius asked as he watched his son head up to his room.

"Don't be insulted, Sirius. He probably doesn't want to hang out down here because of the tension." Draco said, taking a bite from his green apple.

"Tension? What tension?"

"The one between you and Regulus." Draco said bluntly.

"It's called having a sibling, Draco." Remus stated. Sirius let out a dramatic gasp.

"Moony, who's side are you on?" He wailed. Regulus rolled his eyes. Just then Peter stumbled into the room with his nose buried into a book.

"Since when did you turn into Hermione?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. Peter ignored Harry and turned to Regulus.

"Uncle Regulus, you were good at potions." He said looking up from his book.

"So is Draco and what could you possibly need my help with?" Regulus asked, picking up his butterbeer.

"I need help brewing versa... veritaserum." Peter replied, making everyone spit out their drinks.

"What the bloody hell do you need veritaserum for!?!" Sirius demanded.

"Sirius Orion Black language." Regulus reprimanded him. He then turned to his nephew.

"What the bloody hell do you need veritaserum for?"

"And you told me to watch my language." Sirius said in a huff.

"What do you need veritaserum for, Peter?" Regulus repeated.

"To confront a liar." Peter answered.

"Liar? Who on earth could you possibly be talking about?" Sirius asked.

"You'll find out soon enough."

"That's not an answer, Peter." Sirius said, trying to press him for information.

"Like I said, you'll find out soon enough." Peter said calmly. It took a lot of convincing, but Peter managed to get Regulus to help him.

The rest of Easter break went by rather quickly. When they got to Kings Cross station Peter was still acting strange. He kept shifting nervously and looking in his father's direction. It left Sirius quite puzzled. Why was his son acting so distant?

Five minutes before the train was meant to leave Peter surprised him by giving him a hug.

"Bye dad... I love you." He said uneasily. Peter quickly boarded the train before Sirius could respond.

"Something's up, Moony." Sirius said as he watched the Hogwarts Express pull out of the station.

"What do you mean?" Remus asked, confused.

"This is the first time Peter ever said that he loved me."

"You need to stop overthinking things, Sirius. Peter's been through a lot and his gift doesn't make it any easier for him.  He's lost his mum, he's scared to lose you too."

Sirius sighed. 

"You're right." He said then continued.

"We better get going before Reg blows up something."

A few hours later...

Severus Snape hated the start of the new term. He wondered why he hadn't resigned yet as he headed for his spot at the head table. When he got to his seat he noticed a small note tucked under his plate.

I advise you not to drink the pumpkin juice.


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