Chapter Four

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Peter burst out laughing.

"That's a good one." He wheezed. Dean threw a few objects at Peter. Peter deflected them with ease.

"You were saying." Dean said folding his arms. Peter looked around and pulled Dean to the corner of the room.

"You can't tell anyone about this." He said a low voice.

"I promise." Dean said.

"You're lucky I'm not oblivating you right now." Peter said.

"So I have a few questions." Dean said.

'Here we go again." He remembered when Ned found out about him being Spider-Man.

"Yes I can climb walls, I create my own webbing and no I don't lay eggs." Peter said quickly covering the answers to the questions that Ned had once asked him.

"How did you do it?"

"I'm sorry?"

"How'd you break into Gringotts?" Dean asked.

"I'm not answering that question." Peter said.

"Oh come on." Dean complained.

"I'm not answering that question." Peter repeated.

"Fine." Dean grumbled. His face lit up.

"Why did you leave Ilvemorny?"

"I got expelled."

"You were expelled?" Fred, George and Dean said at the same time. He didn't realize that the twins had started listening into the conversation.


"How did you manage to do that?" Fred asked.

"I might have accidentally blew up the Headmaster's office." Peter said.

"You blew up his office?" George said surprised.

Peter wasn't lying. He was what they called a late bloomer when it came to magic. He accidentally used magic when he was staying with Tony and got his letter to Ilvermorny a few weeks after that incident. Peter managed to get himself expelled from Ilvermorny accidentally.

"Long story." Peter said. He was not in the mood of talking about it.

"So, what happened?" Fred asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." Peter said. He left the three of them standing there and left the common room. He felt the constant glares from his fellow peers.

"Why don't you take a picture? It will last longer." Peter said sarcastically. He found himself roaming the halls aimlessly.

"He looks just like her, Sirius." He heard Remus say. Peter duck behind a pillar. He saw Lupin and Sirius Black standing outside Lupin's classroom.

"Remus, she left. After what happened to James and Lily she left. She never felt safe. Mary said she was going where many wizards would never dream of going."

"Please don't start with the future talk. How do you explain Mary's look alike running around Hogwarts? He's a chaser, just like she was. Not to mention how many times he stood up for his fellow classmates. He's exactly like her." Lupin argued.

"There's only one way to find out." Sirius said.

"And how do you suppose we do that?"

"He's going to be staying by the Weasleys for Christmas. I'm going to talk to him then." Sirius said.

Peter had to get past them. He placed his hands on the wall looked, around to see if anyone was coming, then climbed up the wall. He made it passed them and headed to the Great Hall for lunch. Peter sat at the end of the table only to find Dean sitting down across from him.

"Uh, hi." He said. He thought after the alarm clock fiasco no one would want to talk to him, but he guessed wrong.

"Don't worry. Everyone will come around eventually." Dean said.

"Of course it was the mud blood's alarm clock. He's always been-" Peter stood up, grabbed his cup of pumpkin juice and dumped it onto Draco's head.

"How dare you." Draco said angrily reaching for his wand. Peter pulled out his wand and was surprised to find several Gryffindor followed suit.

"Careful Malfoy. You could only hex one of us, not all of us." Neville Longbottom said.

"Well, well, well. Longbottom finally has some nerve." Draco sneered. Peter aimed his wand at Draco.

"Your call ferret. You could walk away in one piece or deal with the wrath of Gryffindor." Peter warned. By then several Slytherin had joined in the showdown and there was not a single professor in sight.

"Are you sure you want to do that Parker. Looks like the sides have evened out." Draco smirked. His smile faded when Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw took Peter's side.

"Look who's outnumbered now." Peter said calmly.

"What is going on here?" Professor Lupin inquired.

"He started it Professor. He's threatened me." Draco said dramatically.

"Oh please. We have plenty of witnesses who would vouch for Peter. Give it up Malfoy." Dean said.

"No one asked you Thomas." Draco snapped.

"You started this Malfoy." Cedric Diggory, a fifth year Hufflepuff, stated.

"No I didn't I-"

"Drop the act Malfoy." Roger Davies a Ravenclaw said.

"Mr Malfoy I'm going to have to give you detention." Lupin said.

"Are you serious? He poured pumpkin juice on my head."

"No I'm Peter and you called me a mud blood." Peter shot back.

"Enough. Both of you have detention tomorrow." Lupin said firmly, trying not to laugh from Peter's comment. Peter and Draco let out a groan.

"Now I'm going to ask everyone to go back to their tables." Lupin ordered. Harry, Ron and Hermione came into the Great Hall just as everyone put their wands away and returned to their table grumbling.

"What just happened?" Harry asked, sitting down next to Dean and Peter.

"You should have seen his face." Lee said.

"What are you talking about?" Ron inquired, confused.

"You just missed the greatest showdown. Malfoy threatened Peter. He did not expect to have the whole Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw to side with Peter." Dean gushed. Peter rolled his eyes.

"It was nothing." He said.

"He's just being modest." Lee said.

"Malfoy is a-"

"I'm a what Weasel?" Draco asked, coming up behind them.

"He never gives up does he?" Harry said.

"What was that Potter?"

"Why don't you take a hike off a cliff, ferret." Peter said. Draco reached for his wand again.

"I guess you want another detention Mr. Malfoy and I'm also taking fifty points from Slytherin." Lupin said. Draco went back to his table fuming.

That night Peter waited until everyone was asleep before he headed to the girls bathroom on the second floor. No one ever used it because of Moaning Myrtle who was killed close to fifty years earlier thanks to Voldemort opening the chamber of secrets. Moaning Myrtle tended to haunt that particular bathroom. After all that's where she died. Peter took out the voice changer and placed it in his mouth. He walked up to the chambers entrance and began to speak in parseltongue.

The door opened and Peter climbed in carefully. He knew that this was the only place he could find a basilisk fang. He took out his wand.

"Lumos." He said. The tip of his wand lit up. Peter made his way to the dead basilisk that Harry had slain a year earlier and began removing several fangs.

Suddenly his spidey senses sensed someone coming. Peter shot out webbing and swung up to the top of the chamber quickly. Harry and Ron walked in.

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