Chapter Thirty Six

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Peter, Dudley and Filch all sprang into action dodging spells, firing their own and using their abilities to help the aurors take on the hoard of Death Eaters while properly disguised. Ron, Hermione, Susan, Anthony and all the other prefects had gotten Peter's memo and led the younger students through the secret passages under Honeydukes and the shrieking shack. There was a loud scream and Peter had to go rescue a couple from Madame Puddifoot's tea shop.

"Yo, Shakespeare." Peter called getting the Death Eaters' attention. As they aimed their wands at Peter ready to fire a spell, Peter quickly shot webbing at their mouths, used an expelliarmus on them gathering their wands and tossed them onto the giant web he set up on High Street.

Another Death Eater tried to attack him from behind, but thanks to Peter's sixth sense (the Peter tingle) he flipped out of the way and aimed a neat jinx at him. He then shipped him off to join his buddies.

"And the shot is.....good." Peter said tossing the Death Eater onto the giant web. He turned around.

"Which one of you lucky ladies are next?" He asked sarcastically. He heard someone cry out in pain.

"Oh Merlin, Tonks." Peter muttered to himself swinging himself over to his cousin. He jumped in front of her and fired a spell followed by some webbing in the direction of her attacker.

"Will you please move? I had that." Tonks said annoyed.

"Had that? You're bleeding and you're limping, Tonks. They could've killed you." Peter shot back.

"I have a job to do."

"Not if you're injured." Peter argued blocking the next spell that was aimed at them.

"This whole superhero thing is hard when you have stubborn cousins who are in constant need of saving." Peter muttered. Tonks heard him.


"Peter, who's Peter? Karen, activate enhanced interrogation protocol." Peter said frantically.

"Activating enhanced interrogation protocol."

"You can try to disguise your voice all you want, but I know it's you."

"I'm going to need you to refrain from calling me by my actual name." Peter said. Tonks started laughing.

"You know how funny you sound right now?"

"Oh shut up." Peter said, annoyed.

"That's your great comeback? The mighty Spider-Man is speechless." Tonks snickered firing another couple of spells at the fleeing death eaters.

"Just stay out of trouble."

"Yes son." Tonks said sarcastically.

When the dust finally settled and the death eaters were gone Peter removed his spidey suit and took off towards Hogwarts.

"Where's Gwen?" Peter asked Toby. Toby pointed towards the hospital wing. A pit formed in Peter's stomach as he pushed through the crowd of people. He found Gwen hunched over Andrew's unconscious body sobbing.


"He saved me, Peter. He saved me." She sniffed. Peter brought her into a comforting hug, but before he could say anything the doors to the hospital wing burst open and in marched a very angry Lucius Malfoy.

"Where is my son?" He demanded.

"Mr. Malfoy I'm going to need you to wait outside." Madam Pomfrey said.

"Where is my son?" Lucius repeated.

"She said to wait outside." Peter said stepping forward.

"Stay out of this, Parker." Lucius sneered.

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