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For some reason Y/N felt something that she's never felt before. She's not sure why she feels the way she does for the small brown haired girl. She doesn't understand these feelings because she's never felt this way before.

The older girl laid shaking on the bed as she tried to calm herself down. But she was never good at that, no matter how hard she tried.

Camila slowly opened her eyes as she heard the sounds of whining coming from behind her. At first, she thought maybe she was dreaming that was until she heard the sound of the soft voice.

Y/N pouted looking down. "M-Mila. I have bad dreams."

Camila pouted slightly and rubbed Y/N's arm. "Aww you did?"

The older girl nodded and wrapped her arms around herself.

"I-it really scary." She shook her head as she brought her hands up to her ears.

Camila frowned and sat up pulling the older girls hands down from her face.

"Y/N, hey it's ok, it was only a dream. Besides I'm here with you, so you don't need to worry."

That really made Y/N feel so much better. She's never had anyone try and make her feel better before. If she was home right now, her mother wouldn't care that she was scared. In fact, she's call her dumb and a crybaby for being scared.

So usually she would be left all alone.

Camila could still see the worry on Y/N's face. She knew the girl had been through hell, and if she could help her in any way she wanted to.

"Hey." She spoke softly bringing her hand over to hers. "I think I know what would make you feel better."

Y/N's eyes grew big as she looked at her surprised. "Y-you do?"

Camila nodded and smiled. "I do, how about we cuddle together. That always makes me feel better and safe whenever I'm scared."

"Cuddle?" The older girl asked not understanding what her friend was talking about.

"Yeah, it sort of like hugging but we're laying down. Here I'll show you." Camila said as she laid back on the pillow. "Now you lay back down beside me Y/N."

Y/N nodded slowly wanting to make sure she did everything Camila had said to her.  "Ok, now I'll put my arms around your waist like this and you just wrap your arms around me."

As Camila explained what to do, she grabbed the older girls arms showing her where to place them.


Camila smiled and nodded. "Yes Y/N. This is cuddling."

Camila laid her head down on the girls chest, hearing her fast heartbeat. She reached over grabbing her hand wanting to calm her down.

This felt like heaven to Camila. The feeling of Y/N's strong arms around her. Even if the older girl didn't realize it, she was truly making Camila feel all type of ways right now.

"I-I like thissss."

Camila laughed a bit before looking up at Y/N and tapping her nose. "So do I Y/N."

Closing hey eyes, Camila began humming as she rubbed her hand up and down Y/N's arm. She could feel the hair on the back of her neck standing up.

She never wanted this moment to end. But of course it was just too good to be true.


"Ouch! Y-you stupid thing." The older girl whined as she sat up on the bed. She was becoming so frustrated because she couldn't until why it wouldn't just stop or go away!

She didn't notice just how much she was moving around, because Camila was waking up next her.

"Ohh what's the matter honey, another nightmare?" Camila asked in a hushed tone as she had just woken up from her deep slumber for the second time.

Y/N shook her head fast as she moved over under the covers.

Camila raised her eyebrows up at her seeing how she was reacting. "Ok, then what is it Y/N?"

The older girl turns her head down in shame. "I-I was bad."

"No-no you weren't bad at all Y/N. You've been perfect, I promise you."

Y/N's long eyelashes batted away her tears as she whined in pain again. Camila sat up all the way this time and looked at her.

"Come on, you can tell me anything remember? What's the matter sweetie?"

Suddenly Y/N reached over pulling the covers back from over her body.

"It hurts. Can you help me like m-omma does?"

Camila's eyes diverted from Y/N's, down to the front of her pajama pants.

That's when Camila knew, she knew what she had thought was right. She could feel herself start to tear up just at the disgusting, awful thought of her so called mother.

"P-please Mila, it hurts."

Oh god. That's all that ran through Camila's head at the moment.



How are we feeling about this updated guys..?

I know... please don't hate me😣

As always let me know what you all thought 💭

Thank you guys so so much for reading/voting.. I really appreciate it, also sorry for any mistakes

If nothing's perfect...will you be my nothing {Camila Cabello}Where stories live. Discover now