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Hand in hand the two walked into the crowded gym. Instantly Y/N's body grew tense. The sight of all the people standing around in one room, made the girl extremely uncomfortable and nervous.

Camila turned to look up at her seeing as though she could feel how nervous Y/N was. She stood on her tiptoes to whisper in her ear trying to calm her down.

"Y/N honey, why don't you go and take a seat up on the bleachers." Camila spoke knowing that she would be more comfortable without people around her.

Camila could feel the grip of the taller girl grow tighter. "Y-you come."

"No honey, but I'll be over there soon though, ok?"

The taller girl hesitantly nodded as she shyly walked away from Camila. Looking back a couple of times just to make sure Camila wouldn't leave her, she finally made it to an empty spot.

"Camila!" The small Cuban turned to see the group of girls who she previously called her "friends"

She rolled her eyes before looking down at the clipboard she held into her arms. "What do you guys want?"

Camila watched as Dinah crossed her arms and walked towards her.

"Really? We want to know why in the hell you thought it was a good idea to bring that- in here."

The older girl glared at the taller girl standing in front of her. She didn't understand at all why they were so focused on what she did, and who she hung out with.

Camila crosses her arms, wrapping her hands tightly on the clipboard as she brought it up to her chest.

"Because I can. She's not bothering you so what's your deal?"

Lauren stepped up passing Dinah. "Our deal is that you're changing all because of her! She's a freak and you shouldn't be around her!" Selena said jumping into the conversation.

"Oh please spare me. I'm not changing I'm just being smarter and choosing to stay away from you guys! And believe it or not I'm allowed to hang around whoever I choose. It's my choice."

The small Cuban couldn't understand why her so called friends were so worried about her and Y/N. Y/N was such a sweet, innocent soul and she never deserved anything that those girls did to her.

"Wow Camila, if I didn't know any better I'd think you found some type of strange attraction to her."

"God shut up Lauren!" Camila yelled out in frustration as she turned around to walk away. The last thing she wanted to worry about was what they thought about her hanging with Y/N. That's all they seemed to talk about nowadays and it was really getting to the Cuban.

How could they say she's changed. When in reality she's the only one acting the way she always had. She is the only one with a heart and not evil like the rest of her so called friends.


Y/N sat patiently waiting for Camila to be done. It felt as though she had been waiting forever and she couldn't wait to have Camila's attention to herself.

"Hey!" A loud voice called out making the girl jump a little.

"H-hi." Y/N spoke without making any eye contact.

"Y/N right?" The girl asked as she sat down in front of her. She slowly nodded.

"Oh ok cool. Well I'm Bella."

The taller girl only nodded not saying anything else.

"You don't talk much do you?" The girl asked only getting a head nod in return.

Bella smiled brightly at the taller girl. "Well that's ok, I don't mind doing the talking."

"Y-you wanna be m-my friend?"

"Sure! I didn't think we'd escalate that quickly but I'd love that Y/N."

Y/N smiled big feeling like a million bucks knowing she'd have another friend. That's all the girl has ever wanted and now she has two! This moment was so special to her.

"I like you Y/N. You seem so cool."

Bella said making the taller girl look away from her and down at her hands nervously.

"Hey." She said moving closer to Y/N. She slowly reached up to touch the older girls face. "Don't hide your face Y/N. You are way to beautiful for that."

Y/N looked back up quickly with big, hopeful eyes. "M-me?"

"Yes you silly. I love your eyes as well, they're so beautiful and they fit you so well."

"T-thank y-yyou B-b." Y/N stopped realizing that should wasn't going to be able to finish her sentence.

"That's ok Y/N, you can just call me B. I like that name."

Y/N nodded slowly with her finger resting on her chin. This was such a nice person which was so rare for Y/N.

While Y/N was actually enjoying the talk she was having with her new profound friend. Camila stood on the opposite side of the gym glaring at the two.

"Who is that?" She mumbled to herself before putting down her clipboard and steadily making her way over to them.

As soon as Y/N saw that Camila has made her way over to her, she couldn't control the excitement she was feeling.


The Cuban laughed as she gave the older girl a quick hug.

"Who's this Y/N?"

"H-her name B."

"B?" Camila said more to herself. She wanted to know what this girl was doing around Y/N and why she was still here.

The girl chuckled at the sound of Y/N saying her nickname she just gave her.

"Hi, It's nice to meet you, I'm Bella."

Camila glanced down at the girls hand and gave her a tight smile.

"Camila. Y/N's friend." Her only friend.. Camila wanted to say but she felt it was better to leave that part out.

"Well I was just asking Y/N here if she'd like to hang out with me sometime."

Y/N raised her eyebrow up in confusion meanwhile Camila wore a frown on hers.

"I don't think she's gonna be able to make it."

Camila and Bella stared each other down. It was like they were going at without even saying a word.

"Well are you sure? Cause Y/N sure didn't say so."

Camila glared at the other girl taking a step close to Y/N. "Oh I'm sure."

If looks could kill right now both would be dead.

"Ok fine." She moved her stare from Camila over to the girl who sat quietly. "I'll see you some other time, ok Y/N?"

Y/N nodded watching her new friend starting to walk away.

"B-by by f-friend."

Bella smiled sending a wink her way. "See you later Y/N."

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to see her again Y/N." Camila said as she moved around to face Y/N.

"S-she's m-my f-friend c-Camila."

"Trust me Y/N she's nothin but trouble."



Awww guys so so so sorry for taking so long to update..so here's a small filler chapter because I couldn't leave you all hanging for too long.💕

My vision for this story is slowly but surely coming together! I'm so excited I can't wait to share what I have for you all.

Camila...she's getting a bit defensive over Y/N. I wonder why that would be hmmm🤔 the girls are still at Y/N. Will they ever change😒

What does this Bella character really want???

Thanks so much for reading/votingI really appreciate it😘

If nothing's perfect...will you be my nothing {Camila Cabello}Where stories live. Discover now