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Y/N sighed and made sure to keep her head down as she was the last to walk into the full class room.

"Ah, miss Y/LN, I see your late as usual." The English teacher mrs. James said. Y/N didn't know what to say back so she just turned to walk to her seat. Y/N sat down slowly as she reached her desk in the back.

Camila happened to be in the same class as Y/N.

"Come on mrs. James, you know she's to slow to find the class." Demi's friend max, said causing the entire class to burst out into laughter. Except Camila.

Camila looked back at Y/N to see her looking down at her fingers as she chewed on her bottom lip nervously. She watched as the smaller, yet older girl mumbled unknown things to herself.

As the class went on max and his friends carried on laughing and making fun of  Y/N.

"Why don't you shut up and leave her alone!" Camila had had enough. She already had to deal with listening to her "friends" talk about Y/N everyday. So she had no patients for max, and his obnoxious friends.

"Awww Camila's being all protective over her dumb ass girlfriend." The same boys teased as the entire class burst out in laughter.

Camila balled up her fist as she felt herself start to get even more upset. "You know what! I'm so sick of you, all of you picking on Y/N! Just because she's different doesn't make her dumb or stupid! She's not a freak!! She's human! She's just like the rest of us! And she doesn't deserve to be picked on and called names just because she was born different!"

Camila yelled. She really couldn't hold it in anymore. She sighed as she looked around the class and noticed that she was standing up. While everyone else just sat there with scared and shocked looks on their faces.

"And you!" She said as she turned to look at the teacher who has yet to say anything to get the class under control. "Your the teacher, you should be ashamed of yourself, honestly! You witness them messing with Y/N everyday and you never do anything to stop it! Your just as bad as they are!"

Camila didn't waist anytime trying to hear what any of them had to say.

"Come on Y/N. lets get out of here." Camila spoke as she grabbed ahold of a frightened Y/N and stomped out of the now very silent classroom.


Camila continued to hold on to Y/N's hand as they walked down the vacant hallway. Camila sighed as she found a near by bench. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. Camila really could not believe what just happened.

Well she sort of did, she just didn't know it would happen this soon. As Camila sat there with her eyes closed, she could feel someone standing over her. That's when she realized that it was Y/N.

"Ummm-" Camila started to say while looking up at Y/N's tall, slim figure.

"Do you want to sit down?" She asked slowly not wanting to scare the poor girl again.

"W-why you do t-that?" Y/N asked slowly as she continued to stand in front of a confused looking Camila. But that's all that Y/N wanted to know. Why?

"It was the right thing to do." Camila answered as she stared up at the other girl. Y/N only nodded as she slowly sat down next to Camila. The older girl had never had anyone to do something like that for her.

Camila had stood under for Y/N, she had protected Y/N. She now felt like she couldn't leave her side. She loved Camila so much for what she did.

"Y-you nice to me, t-thank you much." Camila smiled and nodded. "Of course your welcome Y/N no one should be treated that way. Especially not you."

It was quite for a moment. While Y/N continued to stare over at Camila.

"I-I feel- I"

"You feel? You feel what Y/N, come on you can tell me." But before the other girl could say anything else the two where interrupted.

"Camila! What are you doing talking to that." Camila sighed as she saw her group of friends standing in front of them.

"What do you guys want?" She asked slowly not wanting to cause a scene.

"We have a cheer meeting in the gym and you need to be there." Lauren said as she stood there with her arms crossed.

"Alright. Come on Y/N."

"What! No. She can't come with us." Selena spoke. "And why not?" Camila asked with her eyebrow raised.

"Because she's a retard mila." Dinah said while shrugging. Camila gasped, she couldn't believe she just said that. She looked over at Y/N only to see her running away.

"How dare you guys! She has feelings to you know!" Camila said loudly not really caring who heard her.

"Whatever just come on." Selena said as they started to walk away. Camila sighed as she continued to look back at Y/N's body that was slowly disappearing down the hall.

Camila followed behind her friends as she began to think how long she could take this.


Heyyyy guys💕

Sorry for any mistakes...

I hope you all enjoy, I've been working super hard on getting this story together...so don't worry there will be much more to come☂️

If nothing's perfect...will you be my nothing {Camila Cabello}Where stories live. Discover now