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Waking up the next morning with a sore throat and dried tear stains on her face. Y/N noticed that she was still in the same spot by the window.

She felt sad. She wanted to cry. But then couldn't help but to smile. The small Cuban was the first thing on her mind.

The girl giggled to herself happily as she thought about seeing Camila today. She loved the thought of actually having a friend. Having someone who was actually nice to her made her feel happy.

Y/N stood up stretching her sour body and slowly, trying to be as quiet as she could. Went into the bathroom to get cleaned up.

"Ugly." She muttered softly looking at all the makes and bruises on her face. "A-and stu-upid."

She knew it was true. She was ugly and stupid. She hears it everyday, so it has to be true. Why would anyone lie to her?

After getting out of the bath she walked into her room to find her nicest pair of jeans and her nicest shirt. She didn't have many clothes to choose from but she wanted Camila to think that she was pretty.

When she was dressed she happily walked out of her room humming to herself and made her way down the stairs into the kitchen.

"What the hell are you so happy for?!"

Y/N stopped her giggling and jumped back seeing her mother come walking in with a beer bottle in her hand.

"You think you're better than me, huh?"

"N-no momma."

"Good. Because you're not. You're not better than anyone, as a matter of fact, you're the complete opposite. No one will ever want you, you're trash and that's all you will ever be."

Trying hard not to shed a tear she gave up on ear breakfast. All she wanted to do was to get out of there.

Y/N grabbed her torn up bag from the counter and walked quickly to the door making her way to the school. She had about a 30 minute walk so she would have time to herself before stepping into the pits of hell.

As she walked in the first thing she did was look around for Camila. But she was nowhere to be seen. So Y/N walked with her head down, trying not to draw too much attention to herself.

"Hi babe." Y/N jumped causing her locker to shut behind her.

Bella? Why was she coming back to talk to her?

"Shit sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. You ok?"

The tall girl only nodded as she pushed her hair behind her ear looking to the grown nervously. Camila said to stay away from her. She was bad.

"Well want to catch some breakfast, and I could walk you to your class if you would like?"

"Umm- n-no I wait on C-Camila."

Y/N knew that she would be seeing the girl today and after the night that she's had, she didn't want to risk missing her.

"You sure, cause I don't mind."

The girl nodded slowly still not looking at her.

"You know, I like it better when you smile." Bella said taking a risk. She knew the older girl was different but she didn't care. It didn't bother her one bit . She honestly just thought that Y/N was interesting and she wanted to know more about her.

Yes, she thought the older girl was attractive but it was more than that.

Y/N looked up from her hands and to Bella, but before she could even speak they were interrupted but a loud voice.

If nothing's perfect...will you be my nothing {Camila Cabello}Where stories live. Discover now