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"So Mila, where'd you go off to last night?" Selena asked as they all sat down at the cafeteria table for breakfast.

Camila shrugged as she picked over her food. "Does it really matter?"

"Mmm." Lauren said under her breath as she shook her head.

"What is it now Lauren?" Camila said not feeling like dealing with these girls or their attitudes today. 

Lauren shrugged as she crossed her arms. "Oh nothing, I just find it really funny how you disappeared all of sudden last night because we where talking about Y/N."

"And that's exactly what the problem is." Camila said as she hit her first on the table. "You find it so funny to talk about her. All of you do. And I'm just so sick of it!"

"Why do you care so much Camila?!"

"Because she's my friend!" Camila said continuing to raise her voice.

"Really?! She's your friend!" She laughed "you don't even know the damn girl." Lauren said as she rolled her eyes.

Camila stood up from her seat, slamming her tray down. "Look. What does it matter to you?! At least I'm trying to get to know her instead of just judging her! Unlike you guys she's actually a very sweet, caring person. Someone y'all could learn from." Camila quickly picked up her things and stormed away.

She was so sick of them. All of them, questioning her on what she was doing with Y/N. It was non of their business and Camila could do what she wanted, with who she wanted. She did not need their permission to do anything.

Camila sighed as she plopped down at a empty library table.

"H-hi Camila." Camila turned around quickly to see a tall figure standing right in front of her. She couldn't help but smile at seeing Y/N.

"Hey there Y/N. What are you doing out here?" She asked while still looking up at her. Camila watched as she began to fidget with her fingers nervously and bite down on her lip. "Here come on, and take a seat." The Cuban said as she tapped on the seat next to her.

The tall girl slowly sat down nervously fidgeting with her fingers."How you doing Y/N?" Camila's asked with a sweet smile on her face. This made Y/N's heart skip beats, she was so socially awkward it was crazy. But then again she's never had people to try and talk to her before.

"I-I am— I am good." She nodded making Camila smile at her.

"That's great Y/N." Camila had no idea just how big of an impact her words had on Y/N. They made her feel ways she's never felt before.

Y/N cheesed over at Camila hard without saying anything. She just stared at her, maybe it's because she wondered why the Cuban was being nice to her, why she was even wasting her time taking to her.

"I-I–" Y/N opened her mouth to say but quickly closed it when she noticed Camila looking at her.

"You what Y/N?" Camila asked now with her full attention on her. Y/N shook nervously not wanting to say anything anymore.

"Y/N-" Camila spoke softly as she reached over to touch her hand but she snatched it back. Camila frowned but she knew that the tall girl couldn't help it. She smiled calmly before removing her hand. "You can say whatever you want to say. You do not have to be afraid."

If nothing's perfect...will you be my nothing {Camila Cabello}Where stories live. Discover now