𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞𝐬 💖

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Y/ns POV

Last day of hogwarts, me and draco spent all night packing, we got our bags and pets and made it to the front of hogwarts, i saw the golden trio and imidently dropped all my stuff and ran to them, i gave them a big hug "You guys are like my family..." i say "Aww same" me and hermione started crying, the boys hugged us for comfort us, "all three of you have to write okay!?" Hermione urged, "Of course i will!" i smile, "Yeahhh of courseeeee" me hermione and harry look at eacother and burst out laughing, its ron, of course hes not gonna write, "What about you harry?" i say "Yeah ill try" he smiles, i hug them one more time before grabbing my stuff and heading on the train.

Dracos's POV

I said good-bye to my friends and saw y/n, shes pretty when she smiles, its like she makes my whole day, i wonder what next year has for us...

Y/ns POV

Me and Draco go into an empty compartment, he puts both of our stuff away and sits down, i lay my head across his lap and fall into a deep sleep...


'My, my, little girl,'

'who are you'

'tom riddle, love'

'what do you want?'

'are you aware you speak parsletounge?' he asks

'w-whats p-parseltounge?' 

'you can speak to snakes little girl' 


'nothings impossible sweet one' he replys

'i want you to know, your a desendent of salazar slytherin and you will be corentated in when you are 14!'

'w-what do y-you mean?!'

'dont worry little one, all will be revealed in time..'


Y/ns POV

i got shooken awake, "Were here love" Draco says politley, i nodd and get up, he gets my stuff and head outside,i stay by dracos side, im to scared to go anywere else, i spot my mother and father "Hello daughter, had a good time i guess?" father questions, i smirk, "trust me, theres so many things i have to catch you up on!" he nods, we go over to were the malfoys stand, mother and father have a conversation with dracos parents, i hug draco "Promise to write to me everyday?"


i smile, "good" i just stay hugging him for a while, "Darling, lets go now." i say goodbye to draco and hug narcissa and lucius, im not gonna lie....lucius is a good hugger, i smile at lucius and leave.

what a year it has been......




-Author x

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