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THOUGH BUNKING WITH VALENTINO AND his people wasn't ideal, my home was now compromised

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THOUGH BUNKING WITH VALENTINO AND his people wasn't ideal, my home was now compromised. And though learning a small part of his life worried me; this decision wasn't a choice.

"Let me pack some stuff" I say about to walk in the direction of the stair way but he halts his hand in front of me like a stop signal before shaking his head.

"I'll have someone pick your things this evening, let's go" he insists, forcing me to nod. He walks ahead of me then pauses, waiting for me to follow behind. I quickly grab the remaining photos on the floor before grabbing the box. I had no intention for anyone to see them at all.

"Can we have these burned, I don't want to see them or anyone else for that  matter." I ask. "Give me one photo so I can run finger prints" He says as I had him one photo with a picture of us both in it. He then calls one of his men by name; Sal, and gives him firm instructions to dispose of all the contents in the box before following with a threat followed with consequences. He quickly nods before taking the box out my hands.

This managed to put me at some ease as I sigh a small breathe of relief before putting on my white fluffy sliders placed just by the front door and lastly checking for my phone and bag before following behind Valentino into the car. As I slid into the back seat a man looks back at me. He was in a dark navy suit, perfectly crisp with a white shirt buttoned to the top. He had black straight hair and brown almond shaped eyes, not piercing but slightly noticeable. Unlike Valentino's his facial features were as chizzled and he was a slimmer build but none the less he was toned. He gave me a small smile before introducing himself.

"Hello Mila, my name is Rico, nice to meet you" he states awaiting my response.

"Nice to meet you too" I say back with a smile.

During the car ride Valentino spent most of his time on the phone with the occasional glances at me and then my stomach; which is now very much noticeable due to my outfit choice. It hasn't bothered me very much as I kept my gaze out the window, gazing at the scenery and looking at road signs for mental pictures.

After thirty minutes we pull up in front of a large steel black gates noticing big men standing on guard in black suits with glasses on and guns in hand, before the gates suddenly open to the car, letting us in. The drive itself was rather long but led to a beautifully built mansion, the house I was in a few hours prior. Small details like the outside panelling started to jog my memory when I attempted to run away from it. The house was huge with giant glass windows scattered across the building and a hugedoor directly in the middle. Around the site was greenery, very few flowers, but hedges groomed and trimmed in perfect shape.

The driver stopped the car and opened my door and with a thank you I follow both Valentino and Rico up the steps that led to the door.

The door opens showing off the large entrance with a large black and white staircase on the left with a doors and hallways leading to areas of the house and a nice big sitting area on the right.

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