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AFTER FINISHING BREAKFAST WITH THE WOMEN I walked over to the sink to clear up but Gabriella quickly stopped me, saying the maids would help her do it, so instead Sofia offered me a house tour since I wasn't able to see it in it's entirety last night

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AFTER FINISHING BREAKFAST WITH THE WOMEN I walked over to the sink to clear up but Gabriella quickly stopped me, saying the maids would help her do it, so instead Sofia offered me a house tour since I wasn't able to see it in it's entirety last night. We made our way out the kitchen, swiftly making our way into the dining room, back yard, garage (where I'd seen a few of my favourite cars) before continuing into the cinema room and a brief door to door introduction of everyone's rooms. The way the mansion was set up everyone had their own quarters, like they lived far apart but also together.

Although I loved the tour, it had to be cut short due to my sudden fatigue. In my defence those stairs are no joke. Making our way into the room I slept in last night a smile crept on my face at the bed. I got into the covers and lay on my side facing Sofia, who sat opposite me, leaning against the headboard.

"So, since you're going to be here a while I want to more know about you, since you're carrying my niece or nephew, and you're my friend" she asked, slowly sinking into the bed, facing me.

"How do you know we'll be friends?" I tease earnings a light chuckle from her.

"Well firstly you don't seem to take shit from anyone. Second you have an exquisite taste in fashion, and lastly you have this energy about you that I like" she concludes.

"And you saw all that from simply looking at me?" I ask, now sitting slightly up at an angle, propped against the headboard, intrigued.

"I am good at reading people girl. It's a gift. I can tell if I'll like someone or not. Anyways tell me about yourself . Aside from the fact you're a surgeon" she smiled, leaning in to listen.

I hesitated trying to think of what to say. "Well I have two older brothers.." I start before Sofia quickly jumps

"Are they hot" she quickly says, a smile beaming from her face.

"Eww, I'm not answering that" I playfully say, scrunching up my nose in disgust.

"Well they must be hot if you look like this! You have some great genes sis!" she winks as I smile, playfully rolling my eyes. All from mama. She watches me, using her hands, gesturing for me to continue.

"I have two brother; Adrian who has a wife and child and Diego who has a girlfriend" I burst out laughing at the sudden disappointment on her face at the news that neither of them are available. She playfully scowls at me before a smile creeped back on her face.

"I have a best friend named Jasmine, Jaz for short. And....my father owns a billion dollar company." I finish. She nods before asking the question I knew was coming.

"What about your mom?"

"Umm.." I take a deep breathe, "She died when I was fifteen" I lowly answer, looking down at my little bump. I have learned to contain my emotions but the reminder of my own growing child threatened tears.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐄𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐎 - discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now