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MY EYES SLOWLY BEGIN TO FLUTTER OPEN, trying to find focus on what seemingly was blurry

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MY EYES SLOWLY BEGIN TO FLUTTER OPEN, trying to find focus on what seemingly was blurry. I blink a couple more times to clear my vision, looking up to find a high ceiling above me. A lamp is dimly lit, just about lighting the room with just enough to see what is besides me but not enough to see further out. I slowly lift myself up, a slow groan escaping my lips at the aching sensations throbbing through my head. I lightly massage my temple, trying to locate any familiarity in the room but begin to notice this isn't my room.

"You're awake" a deep and husky voice acknowledged, making my head snap to the direction I heard it from, although I soon regret the sudden jerked movement. Rubbing my temples again I open my eyes to find Valentino sat in a singular armchair, with his legs spread apart and his arms resting on his knees whilst his hands were clasped shut together. "How are you feeling?" he asks, his eyes carefully scrutinising my movements.

"I've got a headache and I'm tired but other than that i'm fine" I say, trying to piece together what brought me here. "What happened?" I ask him as he sits upright.

"You fainted" he simply says, concern in his tone. I remembered the constant headaches and lightheaded feelings again, but chose to ignore them. My hand strokes my stomach, clutching onto hope that my baby was okay. Please let them be okay. "Is the baby hurt?" I ask, eyes welling up as I curse myself for thinking so selfishly and not wanting to worry anyone but it seems I've made it worse.

"Our baby's okay" he says reassuringly, as he gets up from the chair walking towards the edge of the bed. "But the doctor wants to speak with you" he finishes, as I nod waiting for something to fill the sudden silence. Valentino is stood looking at the floor, with a sad expression projecting on his face. He looks back at me, remorse in his eyes. "I'm sorry" he says, though I remain confused and shocked just as the door opens revealing the doctor who I had met the first time I was here and who had announced my pregnancy to Valentino, Ben.

Closely followed behind stood a woman, who wore different hospital attire which I knew to be OBG/YN. She was asian with a beautiful olive skin tone and short brown hair that reached just above her shoulder, neatly clipped back to avoid her face.

"Boss" Ben says acknowledging Valentino, who simply just nodded as the woman did the same before both facing me.

"Hello Mila, how are you feeling?" Ben asks me, with his arms crossed. The woman watches my intently, waiting for my response.

"I'm okay" I simply say, before he nods, discreetly talking to the female nurse before facing me again "This is Jen and shes is an OB/GYN and will be with you throughout the rest of your pregnancy. she will explain to you everything you need to know" he finishes before saying get well soon and goodbye leaving the room.

"Hi Mila, I'm Jen and as Ben said I'll be taking over now." She introduces herself before pausing. I nod for her to continue.

"I got your results and would like to have a chat with you about everything if that's okay." She pauses again as I nod encouraging her to continue . She was softly spoken which made me feel at ease. Jen began to open her folder, briefly skimming through notes before facing back to.

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