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AFTER LEAVING EVERYONE'S GROUP DISCUSSION early, I slowly trudged up the stairs, anticipating the long awaited conversation

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AFTER LEAVING EVERYONE'S GROUP DISCUSSION early, I slowly trudged up the stairs, anticipating the long awaited conversation.

The fear of an argument swirled around my brain as I took a deep breath, with my hand on the door knob. Turning the handle, I open the door to find the room in darkness, only dimly lit by the slit under the door of the bathroom. Just as I was about to turn back out, with no, well mostly no wish in seeing him step out the bathroom naked I slowly back out when a sound of a sudden light flicks and the light is turned on followed by the rumbles of deep his voice.

"Where are you going?" he asks, as I turn to see him emerging from the bathroom, leaning slightly on the door. His black curly locs were damp, with a couple of stray water droplets trickling down his face and chest. Meanwhile all he wore was black sweatpants leaving his arms, chest and torso exposed, with his tan skin engraved with ink.

'Sexy' was all my mind had as a response, scenes of our last encounter replaying cinematically before my eyes. I blinked twice, blocking out the lust I felt and refocused.

"I thought you were in the shower so I was gonna go..."I begin, leaving the sentence in the air. I look around the room, as if it were unfamiliar, trying hard not to look at him. Although I feel his burning gaze which pulled me back. Fuck.

"Well I'm here so let's talk" he said, walking past me as I catch a whiff of his masculine fragrance as he takes a seat on his grey sofa. I take a deep breath for a couple of seconds before following, but instead choosing to sit on the edge of the bed.

We didn't need a repeat of the last time we sat on a sofa together.

Though seconds had passed we sat in agonising silence, both of our minds ticking on how to begin until he interrupted the silence.

"I'm sorry" he said, staring at me. My brain was itching for an answer, specifics because "I'm sorry" just isn't enough.

"For what exactly?" I ask raising a brow slightly, holding back from them pop up shots that told me to say otherwise. He hesitates before starting.

"For everything Mila. I know the way I treated you was wrong and you didn't deserve any of it." he says. I scoff at his stubbornness.

"Valentino." I begin, " You made the choice to stay in my life and the baby's. But you also make the choice to disrespect me." I pause, taking a deep breathe.

"I cried to you that night. I asked you to stay with me. To then be ignored by you for days and to find that girl on your lap?" He looks at me solemnly, regret and guilt washing over his eyes.

"Mila I know how that looks but it's not what you think-"

"Then explain" I bluntly respond.

"We didn't sleep together when you saw us. She sat on my lap just as you had opened the door. I'm not blameless though. We've slept together in the past. But that's it." He states, disgust in his voice at the thought.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐄𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐎 - discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now