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" WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS ONE" I ask, nodding my head and pointing in the direction of a white wooden crib, my other hand occupied by my second quesadilla

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" WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS ONE" I ask, nodding my head and pointing in the direction of a white wooden crib, my other hand occupied by my second quesadilla. The man beside me, one of Vals men, looked almost hopelessly at me then at the crib which I hadn't blamed him for. We had been in this store for minutes and already Valentino had began receiving calls again, leaving me and his men to roam the store. This had been the third time asking and from the looks of it to him they all seemed the same.

"It's nice but isn't it a bit too big for a baby" he says looking at the cot confused. I glanced at the cot again and back at him.

"They are all the same size" I point at all the cribs around us "Plus babies grow and at least I'll be able to use it until the baby gets too big" I shrug making him nod as his eyes roamed the room, looking at other pieces of furniture just as Val walked in, his strides more quick and angry. He barked "Deal with it" aggressively before cutting the call and placing his phone in his pocket, jaw screwed shut in anger.

"Everything okay?" I ask concerned whilst giving him a weak smile. He just simply nodded, still quiet. I hate when he does that; hide his life away from me. Every time I ask I'm met with short replies and although I understand he is trying to protect me from knowing the ins and outs of this his world surely I am entitled to know in a relationship. Especially this being the world our baby will grow up in. Even so, although I ask, I am yet to receive an answer regarding my pictures or the man who had sent them. So instead I decide not to push him, rather choosing to stay annoyed and see if that'll encourage him to tell me.

I walk through the store deciding to not acknowledge him but rather look at more cribs and wardrobes. I hear him say something to his men but I'm at a distance where it's faint mutters before they call chorus "Yes boss". His footsteps walk towards me just as I hear a different voice.

"Can I help you with anything?" a petite young woman with fair skin, brown hair and blue eyes asks, all the while looking at Valentino. I decide to give her the benefit of the doubt rather than correcting her rudely.

"No we're fine thank you" I voice to her politely, as she shifts her body language to me, rolling her eyes and then focussing back on Valentino.

"Are you sure you don't need help with anything I mean?" she asks again, this time leaning closer to Valentino, childishly batting her lashes.

The fuck is she doing?

"Since your so fucking deaf. I guess I'm gonna have to repeat myself...again no we are fine thank you" I grunted getting angry at how close she is to Val and how disrespectful she was being. So thirsty.

She finally moves away from Val gazing at my face before looking at my stomach smirking. "Aww how cute, I'm guessing you're having twins or triplets". she says, tilting her head to the side. I stand astounded by her words, her clearly loving my reaction knowing she hit a soft spot.

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