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AS I SLOWLY BEGAN TO AWAKEN and open my eyes, a bright light shone through the window forcing me to squint my eyes and rub them from the irritation of the blinding beaming sun light

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AS I SLOWLY BEGAN TO AWAKEN and open my eyes, a bright light shone through the window forcing me to squint my eyes and rub them from the irritation of the blinding beaming sun light. Why do I always forget to close those curtains?

After a couple of minutes go by I allow my eyes to adjust to its rays before loudly yawning whilst stretching my arms and feet shaking off the leftover fatigue. Turning to the side I grabbed my phone, sat on the side table, which read the time '1:16pm'. Though I was surprised at myself for waking so late, those long hours of rest were needed. And with that a sudden urge came as I hurriedly dashed to the toilet. It seemed the baby loved sitting on my bladder,how I'm gonna cope with the constant needing to pee I don't know.

After flushing the toilet, I washed my hands before quickly brushing my teeth and hair, hungrily deciding to shower after eating breakfast to make up for the skipped dinner from last night. The events had truly drained me.

I slipped on my Louis Vuitton slippers and made my way to the door and down the stairway. Reaching the kitchen I make a silent prayer that I don't see Valentino or his pomp headed arrogance this morning, rather choosing to speak to him later today instead, my stomach began to growl at the thought of food.Luckily only those in sight were Gabriella, Matteo and Mia all sat at the huge table.

"Good afternoon everything" I say, whilst pulling out a seat at the table. "Good afternoon" they all chorused in sync whilst smiling.

"How are you feeling?" Gabriella asked, waiting for me to answer as she takes a sip of her tea.

"I'm feeling better after my sleep thank you. Now i'm just starving" I smiled, as my stomach growled in agreement.

"You missed dinner yesterday" She reminded me, concern filing her oval shaped eyes.

"I fell asleep straight away once I got to my room" I defended, smiling at her in reassurance that I was fine.

Reading my expressions she nods, "Well have something to eat and feed yourself and my grandchild" she smiles before placing her cup in the dishwasher and leaving the room just as Maria emerged from the pantry, holding a bunch of ingredients.

"What would you like me to make you dear?" she smiled. She was always smiling with kind eyes. In my stay here Maria never seemed upset nor angry, always smiling. When I questioned her why she simply said she was a life person. She has worked for the family even before Valentino was born and though she had no children of her own and her husband passed a few years ago, she always saw this family as her own, the children as her grandchildren. She never stalled at her tasks and had become apart of the family in her loyalty and love. She always expressed her joy for the new baby to become apart of the family which instantly warmed my heart. Maria was a walking heartbeat, always smiling, always loving.

She reminded me of my mom.

I stood up, strolling to the refrigerator, scanning all the remaining ingredients for any leftovers before deciding. "I'll have whatever you made this morning if that's not too much trouble" I ask, feeling guilty if I have overwhelmed her with such tasks.

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