Chapter Five: The Memory

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The Lycanroc ushered them into a separate part of the cave, indicating for them to sit down in a chair. She ran over to a Boulder, pushing it in front of the door.

She hurriedly reached for a medical kit in her cave.

"I never thought I would have to use this kit on a Litten. I haven't used this baby in a while. Give me a second." She woofed, sitting on her tail as she dug through her items within the medical kit.

The Lycanroc pulled out a bloodied cloth from the mix of items.

The instant it was brought into the little light of the cave, Barium gagged.

"Who's was that?" Jab questions, eyes widened in curiosity. His eyes still held a little laughter in them, but he was trying to act serious and tough.

It wasn't working.

He just burst into laughter after the question.

"Curious, Jab. You laugh no matter what happens and no matter what I showed. I could show you a dead Pikachu's head on a stake and you would still laugh. I don't understand you, man." The Lycanroc woofed.

Barium was curious. Was this Prism?

She seems...friendly enough, but how can such a Pokémon as a Dusk Lycanroc study the sun? And what does studying the sun help us find it? Barium wonders.

Lycanroc's paw gripped something and she held out a paw before bringing it back in.

"Give me Litten. Or does she have a different name? Now that I think of it I want to know what your Tepig friend's name is too. Why don't you introduce me to them. I'm sure you told them of me, am I correct? I would ask more questions, but I know too many questions can overload one mon's mind." Lycanroc commented.

Lunala slowly brought Radon over to the Lycanroc, placing her gently on the floor.

Barium turned his gaze towards the friendly floor once Lunala dropped his friend.

I hope she's okay....I'm probably worrying too much, but that rock was huge!

Barium's lip quivered a bit.

"Yes, you've read me like a book, Prism. I have told them of you. The Litten is Radon, and the Tepig is Barium." Lunala simply informed Prism as the dusk form nodded only.

Prism turned Radon over, checking her for more wounds.

"It's only the one on her head." Barium informed, seeing the wolf pokemon investigate over Radon within his peripheral vision.

Prism turned her calm gaze toward's Barium.

Her gaze held frustration.

"I know that, Barium." She woofed, using his new name. "I'm just making sure the rock didn't inflict damage anywhere else. The head injury may be the only injury, but I must check anyways. Man, you made friends with such a...curious Tepig." She remarked.

Barium didn't know what that meant, but he was sure it meant anything but special.

He knew he was never one of the more popular starters. He was always overshadowed for Pokémon like Shikuri or Marashi.

Shikuri was a male Chikorita who was known for his over impressive power. Despite being a Chikorita—they're known for being bad starters— he has been known to deal with and capture fire and flying type villains despite the weaknesses to them. He's decent at capturing at Ice Types too, but he cannot tank Ice types as well as fire or flying.

Marashi was Shikuri's partner, and an Cyndaquil. When Shikiru couldn't handle the ice types, Marashi was there to melt them. Her flames are so powerful they can burn through rock type Pokémon with ease. And water type Pokémon evaporated within the sight of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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