Chapter one: Life without the Sun

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A Tepig rolled over in his bed. He shivered. Since the sun disappeared it's been really hard to get warm. He's a fire type, and yet even he is cold.

There's no way he's going to get any sleep in these conditions. He hated this. Recently, they brought in a Nezcroma. They had stated he did it, but he kept on claiming he was innocent.

He even looked innocent to the Tepig. They had whisked him away before the Tepig could ask what evidence against him they had for stealing the sun. Apparently stealing the sun is a crime punishable by death, yet no one used that phrase til now.

And he heard that a new member was going to join them soon. Wonder what kind of starter? Which gen? Boy or girl? He couldn't help himself. He had a room all to himself, so it wasn't quite as noisy as some of the others. And a whole lot of the other rooms in this Start Squad living quarters were pretty full.

Or at least the ones with the all noisy girls living in them. This annoying Pikachu won't stop chatting. Tepig put his front teeth trotters against his ears.

It's hard enough without the sun. Please, don't make it impossible for me to sleep. He thought. He really wasn't too interested in the Pikachu's talk about the apple that fell on her head.

He sighed. " Maybe I won't ever get to sleep." He decided out loud. " Oh that's ridiculous, Barium. How are you going to ever become the greatest member of this Squad if you can't even get any sleep? Just because you barely past the test, doesn't mean you can slack off." He said to himself out loud.

" Just go to sleep." He told himself. It didn't work. He turned upside down so he could be like a Hipmontop. " Nope!" He said. He made his body go into half a summersault. " Nope!" He declared once more.

He changed position to where his head was against the wall. " Nope." He says. " Nope. Nope. Nopeity! Nope! Nope. Definitely not!" He declares. He was at first in a battle position. That probably just made him more awake. His next position was standing up like those humans from legends. Then it was a cute position. Then he tried looking like Arceus. Then Garentina. Then an Umbreon. Then Xerneas. Then a girl.

He finally sighs and slumps in defeat. " I can't believe I can't do a simple thing and go to sleep." He whined. Barium. The wind seemed to say. " Huh?" He asked. He seemed to hallucinate. It sounded like a ghost. Please, not now, Litwick. He thought.

Barium! The voice got louder in his mind. " Leave me alone!" He wailed. I'm not a ghost. I am, Nezcroma! And I order you to come meet me at once. Please! I need your help! The voice now identified as Nezcroma said.

" What?!" He exclaimed. Shh. Do it in secret. Please. Just trust me. Nezcroma told him. He nodded. " But what about the security?" He asked softly. It'll be fine. Trust me. Just say you're here to see me and talk, and they might just let you pass! It's not that hard. And if not, I can always make them do the salsa again. I did it once, I can do it again. Nezcroma said.

Barium nodded. As softly as he could, he snuck around the Starter Squad buildings to the prison. It held a grumpy Mr. mime Jr., a Glaceon, a friendly Politoed( no one knew why he was in jail.), a Metapod, and Nezcroma.

Nezcroma happened to be the only legendary in the jail. " Hey! Barium! What are you doing here?!" A Bayleef asked him. He was certainly surprised at this visit.

" It's urgent. I need to speak to the one called Nezcroma." He told him. " What! Why?" The Bayleef asked. " It's a secret." The Tepig said softly. " Why?" The Bayleef asked.

" Because I said it is. Now let me pass. I need to see him." Barium said. " No. He'll trick you into letting him out." The Bayleef said.

" Don't worry about me! I'll be fine." Barium said. " I'm not-" the Bayleef said before suddenly salsa dancing with the other guards. " Huh?" Barium asked. " Hurry!" Nezcroma shouted. " And while you're at it, let me out! Let me out! Let me out!" The Metapod said. " Let is all be the outs!" The Mr. mime jr said.

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