Chapter four: Vesuvius

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The water slapped him, waking Barium up with a start. He snorted in surprise. An awkward meow sounded out. Radon had placed her paw in the water by accident.

Laughter. It wasn't Lunala not Jab. Barium turned around to be met with blue eyes. He jumped. He was not expecting this guy here.

He was a lizard. He had a yellow-cream body. He had a flame on his tail. He was standing up on two legs that had three, long claws on each. He had four fingers on his paws, and an amused look on his face.

He held out his yellow paw with a friendly smile. " My father, Paarthurnax sent me." He explained. Barium exchanged glances with Radon who shrugged at him. Her eyes said, it wouldn't hurt to shake this Pokémon's paw.

Barium reaches out and the shiny Charmander puts his into Barium's trotter. He moves his arm up and down. He releases and waves at Radon, before waving at the two bats.

Lunala was quizzical. " But, why are you here?" Radon asked him, hoping to get an answer. Barium hoped they would get an answer from this strange lizard man as well.

Of course they never did. " That doesn't matter. I'm here to help you." He tells them. " My name is Vesuvius. You know, like that volcano from legends about other dimensions? Like the volcano even exists." The Shiny Charmander introduced with a scoff.

Barium didn't know how to react this yellow lizard's comments. He's pretty...weird. Where does he come up with this nonsense? I know there's like dimensional Pokémon like Palkia, but what's he going on about there?

A volcano named Vesuvius? Sure it's a pretty cool name, but there is no such thing as a mount Vesuvius. Barium thought as he shook paws with Vesuvius. " Hello there, Vesuvius. My name is Barium. This Litten next to me is..." Barium began to introduce.

" My name is Radon. I can introduce myself, thank you very much." Radon spat with slight anger. Barium's ears found their way to the back of his head, and his tail somehow dropped as well.

He didn't mean to. He just wanted to introduce one of the most amazing girls he's has ever met. In fact, she was probably one of the only ones. Besides,
Maybe, Lunala.

" I'm Jab." Jab said, flying in front of Radon like the party was with him, even if it wasn't. " Nice to meet you....Whoa! Dad wasn't kidding when he said you had a legendary with you. Wow! Lunala!" Vesuvius breathes as his eyes got big in his eye sockets.

Lunala blushes in embarrassment. She was obviously not used to the attention. She is the legendary of the moon, though. It's only natural she would get this much attention, though.

Barium's lip quivered. " Oh right! We're supposed to be on our way to Prism. Come on, we have no time to waste. Everything we learn about will bring us closer to who stole the sun." Jab commented, seeing the look on Barium's face, and mistaking it for hastiness.

No one ever understood what he was sad about, or could even tell he was sad. Radon had hurt his feelings, and no one could even tell, or even cared.

He sighed as his friends started to walk in the sand of the Alolan Region. How Vesuvius got there was mysterious to him. " Are you coming, amigo?" Jab asked him, head slightly tipped at Barium.

Barium nods, confidence flaring in his eyes. He didn't know how this would end, but he was sure whatever was going to happen, it wouldn't be good. He felt as if he had a murderous steel type on his back, but he wasn't sure why.

He shivered. It felt as if someone or something was following them. He shrugged it off as he trotted back to catch up to his friends.

They coursed through the tall grass. The grass tickled Barium's nose. His nose snorted and wiggled. He snuffled in a lot of air.

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