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It was a happy day for the Pokémon. " Ah! I love it when the sun comes out!" Nuzleaf said, with a brilliant smile on his face. A Fennekin past him. " Well, hello there, Fennec." He greeted.

The Fennekin waved back. " It's perfectly peaceful here, ain't it? So glad that you and Chespin stopped that there Dark Matter a while ago. Super sorry too." Nuzleaf said. The female giggled. " You said that 20 times already. I already said it's fine. I forgave as soon as I saw how much pain you were in." Fennec said.

" Consarn it! I really am terribly sorry I let that Dark Matter get to my head. If it weren't for me, your friends, your allies wouldn't have been turned to stone." Nuzleaf said. Suddenly, darkness overfilled the area. " Huh? It isn't night time." A Chespin said.

" Chestnut!" Fennec said. " Fennec! Is that you? I can't see anything over this sudden darkness." The Chespin said. A voice rang out throughout the world. " Fellow Pokemon! I have stolen the sun! You will never get it back! It has caused too much harm for me, so I will take it, and keep it. You don't need it."

" What kinda fool steals the sun?" Nuzleaf asked. All the Pokémon shivered. " And this is why we need that there sun." Nuzleaf said.

" Don't try to follow me, I will destroy you if you try to get it back. You have fire types and plenty of lights." The voice said. " Good day!" The voice said. " That thing was awfully polite for someone to steal the sun." Chestnut said.
" We've found him! I believe he is the one!" A Decidueye said. " Who dares intrude my domain!" A loud voice asked.

" We're the Starter Squad. And you're under arrest." A Froakie said. " Why? I didn't steal any candy from any baby Pokémon recently." The Pokemon said.

" We believe that you are responsible for the theft of the sun." A Charmeleon said. " What?! I wouldn't!" The voice said.

" Get him, boys!" " Yaaaaaaaaarrrghhh!" The voice said. " We've got you now, light stealer. Nezcroma." The Decidueye said. " I've been framed I swear!" Nezcroma shouts. Of course he still obliges to follow.

" All evidence points to you." The Charmeleon said. " I didn't do it! I didn't do it! Please! Believe me!" Nezcroma shouts. No one believed him there that day. Cause Nezcroma was known for stealing the light of the world.
Authors note: Okay so this is the story for Barium and Radon. So I hope you enjoy. And this is what I think the 7th mystery dungeon game should be like.
Though they might actually make Nezcroma steal the light, but I believe it should be someone else to steal the sun. So I hope you enjoyed. The title is based on the sun, since it's science.

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