Chapter three: Prism Stone

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" What were you thinking?!" A black Charizard roared at Barium and Radon when they came back. " You left! Without warning! What do you have to say for yourselves? We needed you out there to help capture an outlaw!" Paarthurnax basically roars.

Barium backs up, ears bent, and shivering. " Oh shut up." Lunala comments, flying in. Paarthurnax glances at her. Jab enters the room as well.

" What the heck is going on with you? You leave your post to get a big bat? No offense to you, Lunala, but these two weren't suppose to do what they have been." Paarthurnax commented.

" None taken. It's just I'm here to help them." Lunala commented. " For What?" Paarthurnax asked. " Necrozma is innocent." Lunala told him. " He could have stolen the sun. We're keeping him until we figure out this situation." Paarthurnax commented.

" Please sir. You've got to see that he's innocent." Barium pleaded, matching up closer to the fire type. Paarthurnax gazes at the Tepig with such fondness. He sighs as he puts his claws to his face.

" Fine. You are on the case. You and Radon, there. I'm not that cruel. You have a short amount of time, though. If you can prove that Necrozma is innocent I will let him go. Until then, he stays here. You both leave starting today. Now this is no normal quest. I want you to search for the real culprit. If there is a different one that is. And bring them in. Understand?" Paarthurnax questions.

Barium nods. " You can count on us, sir!" He exclaimed as smoke comes out of his nostrils. Paarthurnax chuckles. " I hope so. It's too cold without the sun. Please do hurry. I'm not sure how much longer the world can go without warmth." Paarthurnax comments, rubbing his arms.

" We will help too!" Jab promises, flying in closer and choking Barium in a hug. " G-great. Now can you let go of me, please?" Barium questions, squirming. " O-oh! Sorry!" Jab commented sheepishly, as he let go of the Starter.

Barium turned towards Necrozma's prison. " But before we go, can I explain everything know?" Barium asks. Paarthurnax chuckles. " Of course you may. Just be speedy. The sooner you figure out who did it the sooner we can have our beloved sun back." He tells him.

The little fire type nodded as he scampered over to the legendary ultra beast to tell him. Necrozma seemed to understand.

" I see. That's okay. I wish I could just be let go like that, but I guess this 'adventure' will prove how innocent I really am. I wish you luck." Necrozma commented, holding the bars keeping him in the cell.

Barium nodded. " I will not fail you, Necrozma." He promised. " Don't make promises you know you can't keep." Necrozma sighs as Barium leaves.

When the little Tepig got back to his team, he noticed a creepy grin on Jab's face. " Alright, suckers, let's go!" He exclaims as he flies into the door. He falls over. " First, you've got to open the door if you want to go." Lunala responds.

" I see that." Jab groans. Barium reaches his paw up to the door and turns the knob. He looks back at the headquarters of the Starter Squad one final time before he gulps and goes outside.

Radon bounds after him, apparently playing Leap Froakie, as she jumps over Barium's body in excitement. " Adventure!" She exclaims, tail wagging.

" Calm down. This is a serious mission." Lunala commented. Radon looked at the ground. " This is my first mission in the squad." She said, giggling shyly.

" Okay, so how are we suppose to find the true taker of the sun?" Jab asked. " Lunala, do you know anything about this?" Radon asked her. She had a specific look on her face.

It disappeared. " I suppose we start searching through every crevice and every dungeon until we find evidence." Lunala suggests. " Ooh, brilliant idea. We ask Xatu." Barium suggests.

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