Chapter two: Nebular wings

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Barium sighed. " How do we get into the dungeon, now?" He asked. Before anything could be said, Radon leaped into the waterfall. " Ah! Are you insane?!" He was about to reach to pull her back.

She was already in the waterfall. He shook. Should I go after her or should I leave? Why would I even ponder that?! I can't let her go in alone! He thought as he closed his eyes in terror as he jumped through the waterfall. Water battered his pig body and he let out squeals of pain. It might be a waterfall, but it was still water.

He landed with a thud. " Come on!" Radon exclaimed, pawing his body fiercely with her paws. She then without another thought ran down the tunnel. Barium cautiously followed her. He wasn't too sure about this.

He shivered as he heard a call from a Zubat. " M-maybe w-w-we should go back." He said in a scared stutter. Radon looked back at her new partner. " No way! Scardey-chu." She told him. " This is for the sake of the world. This Pokémon could know something." She said, as she bit a nearby Zubat in the butt region.

The Zubat let out a more than necessary cry. He fainted. More Zubat came. And then came Noivern. Why were the Noibat skipped? Because they were all singing ring around the rosie for some reason.

" We are totally unprepared for this!" Barium cried as millions of bats swarmed at them. He let out a loud cry as the two ran around the cave being chased by revenging bats. This surely was the place where Lunala would be. Plenty of bat friends to keep her company.

Radon tripped and fell into a nearby river. Since when do rivers appear underground? He asked in his mind. The Litten called for help. Is she asking me for help or the nearby bats? He asked himself stupidly. Shit! She's asking me. He realized.

He raced at the edge of the river. Fear glistened in his gaze. I really really really really really don't want to do this. He thought as he jumped into the water. He put his trotters around Radon and pulled her to the edge of the river.

He knew how to swim. But why didn't she? He assumed cats could swim. He knew one who could swim. A Purrloin. She knew how to swim. He assumed it was because Radon was a fire type and usually fire types don't like to swim. Unless of course you're like Barium and you don't think of it as a type disadvantage of yourself.

He shook out his wrinkly body of the water. The Litten beside him hissed in dislike for the water. " Come on. Let's go further." He suggested, despite not wanting to go further in himself. This was for Necrozma. And to prove how even though he looked like he did it, he didn't do it.

The Zubats continued to divebomb them like bird Pokémon did sometimes. It was really annoying when a Pidgey cries out, " Land ho!" And lands on you.

He used Flame charge, only being a low level after all. Radon rolled her eyes at him. " Really? That's a weak move. You should use Flare Blitz." She told him. " I don't know any stronger moves." He told her.

" Then buy a TM." She smart aleckly said. " I don't have that kind of money." He told her. " You're hopeless then. I know better moves. Watch this!" She bragged as she used Fire Blast. Barium didn't know if he liked her like this.

Multiple Zubat ended up in the fray, because they were blinded by the fire move. Multiple fainted. The Noivern kept on coming, with their big and scary fangs. Barium shivered. Radon used Fire Fang, then Flameflower.

Barium wasn't sure what to do. It looked as if Radon had this fight in her paws.  The Litten arched her back as she took out foes left and right. But if she continues without my help, she might run out of moves. Barium thought as he used Flame Charge once more.

A Noivern went blind somehow because of it. They all fled. Well, that was easy. He thought as Radon raced ahead. We shouldn't be too quick about this. Barium thought as he carefully placed his trotters on the ground one by one.

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