Chapter One

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Daenerys sits motionless upon the Iron Throne. She sits regally with a straight posture. Her face stares blankly into the empty room as her fingers trace the hilts of the thousands of swords jutting out. She made it. She is Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains. All is right in the world. But why doesn't it feel like that?

In her head, she replays the last words Jon said to her. 'Don't go Dany, we need you!' he begged. The words haunt her. What happened out there? How did he... die? She replays the words over and over again; bad thoughts circulate in her mind. What if he was in pain? Did he suffer? How many others died? The thoughts overwhelm her head. Finally, she snaps out of it when she hears a voice.

"Your Grace?" Lord Hand Tyrion Lannister says finally. Daenerys looks around. She notices the throne room is now filled with people. Tyrion and Missandei stand by her along with Lord Varys, Ser Jorah Mormont, and Grey Worm. Unsullied soldiers line the room. "Are you ready?" Tyrion asks. Daenerys looks at him in confusion. "The Lords of Westeros are here to bend the knee and recognize you as their queen, your Grace."

Queen Daenerys nods. "Right," she says as she remembers inviting the nobility. She stands. "Shall we begin?"

Two soldiers open the large doors. People silently start flooding into the stands on the sides. Lords and Ladies are dressed in beautiful silk clothes and are accessorized with gold jewelry. Other common people are present as well. They're dressed in the most expensive clothing they own - which is generally just a simple gown or plain clean shirt. Once everyone is inside and seated, the doors close.

Daenerys breaks the silence. "Thank you my Lords and Ladies for being here," she starts. "Thank you all for being here." She looks around the room acknowledging all the different backgrounds in front of her. "I am Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen," she introduces herself. "I know many of you are uncertain and doubtful of my rule. You were told I came here to burn you all - Men, women, and children. But I am not my father, and I promise you I am not here to harm you."

She recalls her father: Aerys II of House Targaryen, the mad king. She wasn't born until after the war had started but she heard stories about him. He was a good king they said... until he wasn't. He went mad; that's how he got his name. Aerys wanted to burn King's Landing. 'Burn them all!' he said. Those were his last words until Jaime Lannister killed him. Daenerys never knew her father but she did know that she did not want to become him.

"I also know some of you are still loyal to Cersei Lannister," she continues. "I understand, but Cersei Lannister will be stuck in the old world forever. Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark, Tyrell. They're all just spokes on a wheel. This one's on top, then that one's on top, on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground." (Game of Thrones) Daenerys recalls her earlier conversations with Tyrion in Meereen. She discussed the wheel with him. She told him she's not going to stop the wheel. She's going to break it. She looks at the lower class in the room. "This is the new world and I am here to break the wheel." A few clap. Very few...

Daenerys takes her seat trying to hide her disappointment. More people are loyal to Cersei than she thought. Tyrion steps in. "There is a new threat coming to us," he announces. "The dead are coming for us." Murmurs spur among the people. They don't believe it. "I know, I know it sounds absurd but it's the truth. There is an army of the dead coming for Westeros." He takes a deep breath. "Winter is coming. And we need your help."

A man steps forward. It's Euron Greyjoy. "With all due respect, your Grace," he starts, "You want all of us to bend the knee and then go fight a 'dead' army? I'm sorry but that's absurd. It's ridiculous!"

"With all due respect, my Lord, if I recall correctly, my dragons laid waste to your fleet. Your niece is now the Lady of the Iron Islands and she pledged her sword to my cause," the queen replies.

"How are you gonna defeat the 'dead' without fleets then?"

"Who said it will be without?" Daenerys replies. "You will build a new one." She takes a breath to collect her thoughts and then begins to speak again. "I offer you all a choice. You can bend the knee and join my fight," she says. Her expression becomes harsh, "or your house can meet the same fate as House Tarly." The room becomes quiet as if it wasn't silent already. The father and heir of Horn Hill were burned at the command of Daenerys Targaryen. Tyrion looks at her, a little worried. "You have 24 hours."

Daenerys stands, dismissing everyone. Once the people are gone, she walks into the Small Council room. The Small Council is a group formed of advisors and other important people to the Queen. Tyrion follows.

"You don't approve?" she asks once her Hand enters.

Tyrion approaches the table. "Are you sure you want to make threats now? Half of these people already don't like you. How does threatening their house help that?"

"What do you suppose I should do?" Daenerys asks, taking a seat.

"Perhaps take a gentler approach. Be patient. How did you take Astapor, Slaver's Bay, Yunkai, and Meereen? You made the people believe in you," Tyrion says after taking a seat as well. "Prove to them that you care, that you deserve their loyalty."

"We don't have time. The Night Army could be at Winterfell at any moment. We need more men." Daenerys failed the North once. She couldn't do it again.

By this point, the rest of Daenerys' council filed in and took their seats. Grey Worm, Master of War. Ser Jorah, Lord Commander of the Queen's Guard. Lord Varys, Master of Whisperers.

"You could send a group of men to Winterfell," Jorah suggests. "They will go fight while a second group stays with you. You have the Unsullied, the Dothraki, the Second Sons, and the Queen's Guard all still loyal to you. The second group will stay with you in Kings Landing to keep the peace in Westeros while you wait for the lords to bend the knee."

"I need to be there," Daenerys argues. "I need to fight for the North."

"I will go North. I will fight for you," Grey Worm says. "It will be my honor." Missandei looks at him concerned.

Daenerys turns to him. "You are my Master of War. I can't lose you," she says kindly. She loves everyone in this room, she can't lose any of them - maybe just Lord Varys. She takes a deep breath. "I will send some of the Unsullied to Winterfell. Will 2000 men suffice?" Grey Worm nods. Then she looks to Lord Varys. "Send a raven informing Lady Stark of their arrival," she commands. "Let her know I will be arriving as well, as soon as I can."

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