Chapter Five

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Dawn comes around with a bright fiery sunrise. Outside of the gates of King's Landing, Klaus and Elijah sit in a grassy field against a rock. The grass is bright green with orange highlights from the sun. It provides some camouflage as they are the most wanted killers in the city. They can hear the bustling of Fleebottom as everyone is just getting up, but out here it's quiet. Peaceful. The birds chirp their little songs and the grass sways in the breeze.

The two just finished feeding on a passerby. To keep discrete - as per Elijah's request - they didn't leave a large body count behind. A few here and there but nothing traceable. Elijah cleans himself up. "Where are we planning to go now, Niklaus?" he asks, not particularly happy.

Klaus drops the body and looks at Elijah. "We're not going anywhere, brother," he says. "I'm going to take King's Landing." He smiles mischievously while wiping the blood from his mouth. "Tonight, we will go into the city, kill everyone in the Red Keep, and they will crown me king."

Elijah laughs. That can't happen. There is no happy ending for them. "Mikael will come," he says, his face narrowing. "He will find this place and ruin it like he does every time we find happiness." He throws a rock into the field to release his anger. It doesn't help.

Suddenly, the bright field darkens. The birds stop singing. It's as if the field pauses for a moment. Then it lightens up again. However, the darkness moves swiftly away from the Mikaelsons and farther into the field. Finally, they recognize what it is. A dragon...

Drogon screeches as he flaps his powerful wings, sending mighty winds gusting around the field. Drogon, along with Viserion, is the last remaining dragon in Westeros. He was born out of fire when Daenerys burnt her late husband, Khal Drogo, after he died. She placed three frozen dragon eggs on the pyre, then went into the fire with them. Everyone thought she was crazy, but she came out unscathed and with three baby dragons. That's how she got her names of "The Unburnt" and "The Mother of Dragons".

Drogon circles the field, spotting Klaus and Elijah. He lands menacingly, shaking the ground beneath and letting out another loud screech. The two stare at the creature in a mixture of emotions: disbelief, awe, amazement, fear. Dragons do in fact exist.

Daenerys dismounts her dragon and approaches them. "My name is Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of My Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains. And you are fugitives of the Seven Kingdoms," she says. "Come in peace and I assure you, you will not die today."

Klaus laughs. "Clearly, you don't know who I am," he says, walking forward. Drogon growls as he gets too close. "I am Klaus Mikaelson!" he announces. "And I will not be ordered by the likes of you. In time, I will be the k-"


Drogon follows the Queen's command. He takes a deep breath, displaying his thousands of sharp teeth. Then he exhales a rapid stream of pure fire. Klaus burns. The fire on his skin is nothing like what he's felt before. It's a hundred times stronger and much more painful.

"Niklaus!" Elijah screams. When the fire stops, he runs by his brother's side. But it seems that wasn't necessary. His face is black as ever but Klaus still stands. Slowly, he staggers towards Daenerys.

"I am immortal," he whispers in her ear. Elijah vamps to Klaus' side.

She steps back, her face showing fear for the first time in a long while. "What are you?"

"I told you, I'm Klaus Mikaelson," he responds. "Killer of Men and Original Vampire."

"I think what my brother is trying to say is, you are nothing," Elijah steps in.

"And I'm the king now," Klaus looks directly into Daenerys' eyes to compel her.

Daenerys puts on a confused face and then composes herself. "I don't know what you are but you are no king. The Iron Throne is my birthright. I was born to rule."

This time it was Klaus' turn to be taken aback. Daenerys can't be compelled. Since she is the blood of the Dragon, she has magic in her, making her supernatural; supernaturals can't be compelled unless they're a sired vampire.

Queen Daenerys turns around to mount Drogon. She gets on. "Vla," she commands. The dragon screeches and then flies up, scooping up Klaus and Elijah in its strong claws. The two have never been this high up before. Sure, they've been thrown around here and there but never really flew. The ground looks beautiful from above.

They are escorted to the Red Keep to stand trial. Unsullied line the halls while Dothraki blood riders stand outside alongside Drogon and Viserion. They are marched with metal chains on their wrists. Intrigued by Daenerys' immunity to compulsion, Klaus allowed him and Elijah to be captured. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.

Silence fills the room. Queen Daenerys sits on the Iron Throne with a perfect, straight posture. The hand of the queen, Tyrion, on the right alongside the Grand Maester. Missandei to the left. Ser Jorah and Grey Worm beside her.

"Let's get on with this," Klaus says impatiently.

Daenerys looks down on them, then nods to Missandei who introduces her. "You are in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the-"

"Yes, yes, we get it," Klaus interrupts. "Your queen is a lot of things."

"Iksā daor naejot ȳdragon," Daenerys speaks in High Valyrian. Klaus and Elijah must speak through Missandei now as the queen will not speak to them.

"You are not to speak," Missandei translates. Daenerys continues. "You stand trial for the murder of 57 innocents." Fear flows through Missandei's voice, no matter how hard she tries to conceal it. The punishment for this is death." Three people walk in claiming to have witnessed them in the act.

"The water was blood red, I saw it with my own eyes," one says.

"This one," another points to Klaus, "had red all over his mouth. I thought it was grape juice but it was blood!"

"His eyes, veins surged through his skin," the last described. "They're monsters!"

Klaus rolls his eyes as he listens to the witnesses spread truths. Cuffed to the podium, he adjusts his chains to allow himself to lean against the sides.

Suddenly, Lord Varys enters the room from the small council chambers. He walks to Lord Tyrion and whispers something in his ear. Tyrion then gently interrupts the queen and whispers the news in her ear. Of course, being Original Vampires, Klaus and Elijah can hear every word. The good news is that the Unsullied have arrived at Winterfell. The bad news is that a snowstorm is nearing the castle. The Army of the Dead will be there within weeks.

Daenerys' expression changes slightly. She silences the room. "I think I've heard enough. I, Daenerys of House Targaryen sentence you to-"

"Wait, wait!" Elijah projects his voice. "Shall we not have a say in the matter?"

"Ao kessa daor," she says irritatedly.

"No, you shall not," Missandei translates.

"I think killing us, even if you could," Elijah starts anyway, "would not be very wise on your part."

"Lo nyke ossēnagon ao sir, konir sagon mēre less problem eman naejot deal lēda," the queen says.

"If Queen Daenerys kills you now, she'll have one less problem to deal with."

"Then who will help you face the bigger threat?" Elijah reasons. "Who better to fight the dead than the dead?"

Daenerys raises an eyebrow. Why would she trust killers? She stands, commanding the room. "I, Daenerys of House Targaryen-"

"Wait!" Klaus jumps in.

"Enough of this," Daenerys says, annoyed. "I, Daenerys-"

"We demand a trial by combat!" Klaus demands, smirking.

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