Chapter Eight

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Klaus stands on the balcony of their home. It's small, barely enough room for a man to fit but it will do. He looks out onto the streets. Outside, he spots Katerina Petrova. He vamps down to her and offers her flowers that he just picked up.

"My Lady," he says charmingly, "How are you?"

The girl blushes and accepts the flowers. "Thank you, my Lord," she says. "What is your name?"

"I'm Klaus," he answers. The girl says nothing. She waits, anticipating he'll continue. "Of House Mikaelson," he finishes, hoping that's what she's looking for.

"You're the one who killed a crew of sailors at Blackwater Bay, you and your brother."

"I did. What of it?"

The girl laughs, taking on her role of a stupid woman like many women in Westeros do. It's the only thing that keeps them from being beaten, killed, or raped... sometimes. Sometimes men do it anyway. "Walk with me," he offers his arm. She takes it and Klaus leads her to the gardens.

So what brings you to King's Landing?" she asks, changing the subject.

"I heard of a beautiful woman who lives oceans away from where I come from. She was the most ravishing girl the world has ever set eyes on. I just had to meet her," Klaus looks at Katerina. She smiles.

Back in town, Elijah walks around. He looks in the different shops around him. There's a blacksmith, a bakery, a dress shop, etc. On the streets, a young boy calls out to him.

"Sir, would you like some?" Elijah looks down at the boy. He's holding a loaf of freshly baked bread from his father's bakery. "It's only two copper pennies, my Lord."

Elijah smiles and opens his purse. He takes the bread and hands the boy five pennies. The boy immediately thanks him gratefully. Elijah walks off.

He walks into a small shop: a witch shop. "Welcome, good sir. We have many magical potions that will help you on your way," she says, then looks up, "but I take it you're interested in something else..."

Elijah pretends to look around the store. "I'm looking for Astris Rane."

"You're looking at her."

Elijah looks up. "Good. Do you know who I am?"

"You're Elijah Mikaelson. Original Vampire."

"Correct. And you know what my brother does to those who disobey him?" The witch nods. She backs up as Elijah walks closer to her. "My brother needs a witch to do a spell for him. I will tell him you are very happy to do it," he looks at her price sign, "free of charge."

"Why would I help you vampires?"

"You have a daughter. She resides in Fleebottom but she likes to sneak off to the gardens not too far from here. She's there now isn't she? So is my brother and I'm sure he can hear me at this moment. One word and-"

"Fine! Don't hurt her!" the witch gives in. "What do you need?"

"Thank you for your generosity," Elijah smirks. "We have everything we need except for one thing: the moonstone. First, I need you to do a locator spell on it. Then, you will perform the spell undoing my brother's Hybrid Curse." He hands her a map and bites his hand, offering his blood.

"You should be able to locate the stone through my blood since it was spelled by my mother."

Astris takes the ingredients and starts the spell. "Anta Cotis Syrum, Anta Cotis Syrum..." she chants. The blood drips, forming a line to the Red Keep.

Elijah turns on his heel and leaves. He returns to the gardens and meets Klaus. Klaus kisses Katerina's hand and waves her off. She leaves the gardens. When she's out of sight, Klaus turns to Elijah. "I take it the witch was compliant?"

"More or less," he replies. "She did a locator spell on the moonstone. We tracked it to the Red Keep. Daenerys must have it."

Klaus thinks for a moment. "Do you think she knows its worth?" Elijah shakes his head no. "Then we will ask for it."

"She doesn't particularly like us Niklaus."

"But she'll want answers, answers only we can provide..."

Thank you for reading this chapter! Let me know what you think :) I binged Game of Thrones again, what did you do this week?

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