Chapter Nine

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Elijah looks over the wall, taking in the rich blue oceans of King's Landing. The ocean stretches for miles outside the city. It's breathtaking. And quiet. He enjoys the peace as he waits for his host. Birds fly above the water in a small flock. Suddenly, Viserion flies in, devouring the flock in one bite. He screeches and then flies off looking for another.

(dubrovnik looks so stunning!)

"They're beautiful aren't they?" Elijah hears a voice behind him. It's Daenerys.

He turns to look at her. She's wearing a white dress similar to the one she wore at the fighting pits. He never saw her up close. In his time in King's Landing, he's heard much about how beautiful the Dragon Queen is. He snaps out of his stare. "Yes, they are," he says, not exactly sure what he's agreeing to, the view or the dragons.

"Where is Klaus?" she asks.

"Coming," he answers. "He's busy with something at the moment." Daenerys raises her eyebrows asking the obvious. Elijah nods. Klaus is most likely feeding on a local.

"It's rude to be late at the Queen's invitation," she says. She walks past Elijah and to a small table. He follows. She sits down and Missandei pours them a glass of wine. "Thank you for meeting me. Tell me, how is freedom?"

"Very enjoyable, your Grace," he smiles softly. "I think my brother would agree." Elijah takes a sip of the wine. 

"I'm sure he would," she snickers. Klaus is dangerous. She knows that. That's why she has five queen's guard around her and her two dragons flying nearby. "Is it in your family?" Daenerys asks. She looks him up and down, trying to unpuzzle what is Elijah Mikaelson.

"Is what in my family?"


"Vampirism?" he finishes her sentence. The queen nods. Elijah sighs, "That's a long story."

"We've got time."

Elijah grins. It's not condescending or humorous. It's a genuine smile. He sips his wine. "My siblings are vampires and my mother is a witch. She turned us," he begins. "We became stronger, faster, our senses and emotions were heightened..."

"That sounds like a dream."

"Not quite," Elijah says. "The first few weeks, we couldn't touch the sun without burning. There were substances that could hurt us. They couldn't kill us, but our enemies would try. Only one material can kill an Original Vampire."

"Wood," she answers. "I read that a stake in the heart can kill a vampire."

"Not quite. Originals are more powerful, only regular vampires can be killed with regular wood."

"So special wood?" He nods. "And what's that?"

Elijah looks her in the eye, his own eyes glimmering. Daenerys looks away, slightly disappointed.

"I also read that vampires can control the weather," she says. "Is that true?"

Elijah shakes his head. He enjoys her curiosity.

"I suppose controlling dead animals is also false."

She continues to listen to Elijah's story about vampires, witches, and werewolves. It intrigues her, these creatures so powerful and right in front of her. She's not scared anymore though. Elijah would never do anything to hurt her, she knows that now. 

He's very charming, very noble. He looks at her with his hazel brown eyes that look like pure honey in the sun. She's surprised no one has made him a lord yet. With his power, he could be anything. Elijah spoke very highly of his siblings, especially one called Rebekah. She tries to recall the siblings. There's Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah, Kol, and... Finn she remembers. And then there's their mother, Esther. He told her she was a powerful witch, powerful enough to create six original vampires: Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah, Kol, Finn... that's five. Who's the sixth?

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