Chapter Six

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"You stand accused of murder. You stand accused of treason. You stand accused of treason. How do you answer these charges... Lord Baelish?" (Game of Thrones)

Sansa sits at the head of the table on her Stark throne. It is carved out of strong Northern wood with two dire wolf heads sticking up. The seat has been sat in by all the lords of Winterfell, including her late father, Ned Stark, and now her. This is her first big order commencing as Lady of Winterfell. She sits up straight in her dark, black dress that demands power. She is in control now and she will not be pushed around or manipulated by anyone else.

"Sometimes when I'm trying to understand a person's motives, I play a little game..." (Game of Thrones)

Lord Baelish begs Sansa for mercy but there is no regret in her eyes. It was time for a new chapter in her life. A time where she would be Queen in the North, where no man would ever take advantage of her.

"Thank you for your many lessons Lord Baelish, I will never forget them." (Game of Thrones)

With that, Arya walks up to Petyr Baelish and slices his neck. Blood spews everywhere but Sansa refuses to look away. Sansa Stark was his weakness. She would not let him be hers. She looks him right in the eye as he falls to the ground. Dead.

After the execution, Sansa stands on the walls of the castle. She deeply thinks and contemplates her life. She is here. As the snow falls on the cold ground, she recalls the last time she was at Winterfell. Years ago, when she was just a girl, a little bird, Sansa wanted to be queen. She wanted to dress in fancy clothing and marry a powerful king. And now here she is. No king, just her. Winterfell is all hers.

Arya walks up behind her. Quietly but making herself heard by her sister. She positions herself at Sansa's side, where she always will be. "In the winter, we must protect ourselves - look after each other..."

"When the snow falls and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives," Sansa finishes. She remembers her father's words. She misses him. Every day since she's been back, she thinks about him. If only he could see what the woman she's become.

"How are you feeling?"

Sansa pauses. She tries to think but nothing comes up. Lord Baelish loved her in his own twisted way, she did believe that. And yet she feels nothing? "How do you live with it?" she asks. It's a strange question to ask but she's always wondered. Perhaps maybe she'll understand her sister better.

"I was there," Arya begins," when father died. I didn't see his head but I heard it. I heard the sword rip through his neck... I saw you. I heard your screams." She sighs. "I fled King's Landing afterward. I've seen a lot of death since then. I guess I'm just used to it. The day father died was the last day anyone could do anything to hurt me," she looks at Sansa. "besides kill you."

"I'm not that little girl anymore," Sansa establishes. "In King's Landing, everything is heightened. You're expected to be okay. Like nothing was wrong. You were expected to look pretty and smile. I was alone. Vulnerable." She looks over the castle walls, taking in Winterfell. "But I guess we've both changed." She looks down at Arya. "I missed you," she says, knowing she hasn't said it enough. Instead of getting to know her sister again, she pushed her away. She won't make that mistake again. She turns and hugs Arya tightly, never letting go.

Suddenly, bells start ringing. Not alarming bells, just to keep the castle alert. Sansa pulls out of the hug and looks over the wall. She sees an army approaching. It must be the Unsullied.

They march so synchronized as they approach the castle gate. By the orders of Commander Blue Moth, the Unsullied halt. After Grey Worm was promoted to Master of War, Blue Moth took on leadership of the Unsullied. He announces their arrival and they wait to be welcomed. The Unsullied stand in 40 groups of 50 soldiers. They are all but a fourth of the Unsullied Daenerys has at her disposal from Astapor. They were former slaves, hence the names, but they fight for the Dragon Queen out of respect and will. Daenerys freed them from slavery so they all fight for her because they want to. They are loyal to no one but her.

Sansa and Arya meet them at the gate. Brienne of Taarth, Ser Davos Seaworth, Tormund Giantsbain, and Bran Stark stand by. The soldiers march in as if they're programmed robots. They were trained at a young age to do nothing but fight. It's their only skill. Commander Blue Worm halts them once more and then falls out of line to meet their hosts.

"Lady Stark," he says, lowering his head. "I am Commander Blue Moth, leader of the Unsullied. In the honor of Queen Daenerys Targaryen, I am at your service."

Ser Davos cuts in. "Excuse my interruption commander, but it is Queen Sansa. She's Queen in the North."

Blue Moth's face is unchanged. "Daenerys Targaryen is my queen." Silence follows.

Sansa stares at Blue Moth. Ser Davos is right: she swore that the North would not bend the knee to any Queen beside the Queen in the North. But now is not the time to argue over titles. Winter is coming. "Ser Davos, please show our guests their chambers," Sansa says, then makes eye contact with the commander. "Come, we have a lot to discuss," she says motioning him forward.

Sansa leads Blue Moth to the battle room to discuss strategy and fill him in on the Night Army. Other lords are already there. "The Night Army will be here within weeks. Maybe even days. We must be alert at all times," she says.

"We have trenches dug out in front of the gates and around the castle walls," a lord pitches in.

"The Night Army is an army of the dead which means any fallen soldiers can rise again and fight for the Night King. We cannot let darkness prevail," Beric Dondarrion, the leader of the Brotherhood Without Banners, says.

A lot of information is passed around but in the end, a plan is made. Some of the Unsullied will stand guard atop the castle walls while the rest will stay on the ground. They are better at fighting by hand so that's what they will do should the Night Army come tonight. The Northern Army will patrol Winterfell and stay in formations next to the ground Unsullied. Everyone agrees and the meeting is dismissed.

It is somewhat late now. Sansa and Arya sit at the Stark dinner table. Bran is asleep. Or on the lookout with his warg powers. They don't know. No one really knows Bran anymore. So it's just them. The last of the Starks.

"I heard you traveled to Braavos. How was it?" Sansa asks, creating small talk.

"Beautiful," Arya responds. "I became a super-assassin," she laughs.

Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! Anything I should change? Anything you'd like to see? I would love to hear from you all :)

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